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Nikhil inFamous

Mar 18, 2023
Name: Nikhil Fingers
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Race: Hindu
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Himachal Pradesh , India
Sexuality: Straight
Weight: 79 Kg
Height: 6'2 ft
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Torso , Back , Left and Right Arm , Face

Life story

Nikhil Fingers was born in Los Santos to a humble family. Raised by hard-working immigrant parents, Nikhil learned the value of flexibility and versatility from an early age. Despite the challenges of growing up in a slum, he excelled academically and dreamed of making a difference in his community.

After completing his education, Nikhil pursued his passion of serving others by joining the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD). His time in the force exposed him to the harsh realities of urban policing, systemic issues in the department and corruption Despite his efforts to stick to the law, Nikhil grew frustrated in terms of the bureaucratic and ethical problems that the job entailed.

Searching for a new path, Nikhil sought a new perspective on justice and duty, eager to continue serving his country, he enlisted in the army His time spent honed his skills great in combat medicine and strategy, earning him praise for bravery and fiery leadership

Back in Los Santos, Nikhil was drawn into the underground world of organized crime, where his unique blend of law enforcement training, medical expertise and martial arts has made him a serviceable asset price for the criminal syndicates operating in the city

Nikhil Fingers quickly established himself as a dangerous figure in the Los Santos underworld. The law enforcement experience gave him valuable insight into police tactics and investigative techniques, allowing him to stay one step ahead of the police

From taking over the city’s sophisticated criminal networks to formulating sophisticated schemes, Nikhil’s tasks grew in scope and ambition. Despite the risks, he continues to thrive in an adrenaline-fuelled world of danger .


1. Thanks to his military training, Nikhil can carry weapons for self-defense and hold his own in difficult situations, with a maximum limit of 1v3 confrontations.

2. Having grown up navigating the challenging terrain of Los Santos' ghetto, Nikhil is experienced in moving efficiently in stony and mountainous terrain, allowing him to evade threats effectively. However, he must acknowledge defeat if he's cornered or unable to escape.

3. With his experience as an EMS Employee , Nikhil can recognize individuals after just one encounter by identifying personal characteristics, even if they're wearing masks ( not full mask ), enhancing his ability to navigate social situations and identify potential threats.

4. Nikhil has the confidence and experience to escape from enemies, particularly in large numbers, using his knowledge of Los Santos' streets and alleys to protect his life, though he must acknowledge defeat if there's no viable escape route.

5. Drawing on his medical expertise, Nikhil can bandage himself while taking cover during a gunfight, minimizing the impact of injuries sustained in combat, with exceptions for certain events where such actions may not be feasible.

6. From his time in the ghetto, Nikhil has picked up colorful language and can respond with insulting remarks when faced with hostility, as long as his responses follow to server rules and do not violate any guidelines.

7. With his physical fitness and agility honed through training and street life, Nikhil can climb into the trunks of vehicles, granting him additional mobility options in certain situations.

8. Nikhil puts safety first behind the wheel, using his training and street smarts to navigate high-pressure situations. He can hit the person in front of his car and use his car to get away if he is threatened or shot.

9. Nikhil can break anyone's body cam and smash them up. (/try twice per situation & Proper RP)

10. Nikhil have a hidden key from which he can open doors of any car if he had been taken as a hostage. (Using /try Command

Will Not Use /try Command More than 2 times.)

Nik Payne

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 16, 2022
Bio Approved


Outcome 1 : With compliance to the server rules and you still need to show fear when ever required

Outcome 2 : No Non - RP Driving

Outcome 3 : Refrain from Metagaming

Outcome 4 : Should still fear for life when overpowered and also no Non RP Driving

Outcome 5 : Only while in Cover, and with compliance to the server rules

Outcome 6 : With compliance to the server rules

Outcome 7 : Be aware of any PG or UB

Outcome 8 : Do not CR or VDM on Purpose

Outcome 10 : With compliance to the General Rule 6.1

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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