I got arrested for having illegal guns. i had 4 guns with me 2 of them was illeagl and the other 2 was bough from gun store i have gun licence too. they dinst even know wich gun was legal or illegal, i found those illegal guns on the hospital no joke 100% i dint even bought them, i got a lawyer she couldt help she was not on my side at all. reason i got arrested was i was on SAHP and asked for questions like where was all the police in LSPD casue there were no people there and then i accidently showed a sniper that i bought legally with my gun licence and they grabed and checked me. arrested me. i got fined 10 000 dollar 4 times probally 40k fined. and 60 minutt prison time for that even with lawyer. lost all my legall weapong too that i worked so hard for took so long to get it. tehy also took my weed very very expensive for me and i need it i have health insurance and licence i am allowed, they took everything from me for no reason, they are just bored so they had to do something. pleas help. this is very bad treated. iam confused and irritated.
player who arrested me his named: stephanie silverburn ID: 111965 the lawyer is Bianca Pellegrini. her ID: 10901 . she was the worst lawyer i ever had, i had few lawyer many of them was good but this one was the worst ever, she was on their side not on my side at all, she dint do anything. i would like to see the evidence too but they dint wanted me to show me the evidence. there where no threads either on my arrest.
player who arrested me his named: stephanie silverburn ID: 111965 the lawyer is Bianca Pellegrini. her ID: 10901 . she was the worst lawyer i ever had, i had few lawyer many of them was good but this one was the worst ever, she was on their side not on my side at all, she dint do anything. i would like to see the evidence too but they dint wanted me to show me the evidence. there where no threads either on my arrest.