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Ex Citizen
Jan 17, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Aleks
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone:(GMT+3)
4. Average online per day: 6 Per day
5. Your Discord: aleksxxx
6. Your Nickname:Dina Pluxury
7. Your ID: 300552

Additional information:
1. Leader of Families.
2. I want to be Leader of crime gang.

Let's start with my experience.

From Crime Side

* Marabunta - Under Deputy
* Bloods - 6 Og Blood


* NG - Sergeant
* LSPD - Sergeant
* SAHP - Sergeant

2.1.My goal its a most active gang in a city.

2.2. My goal its a most rob store and hostages sitiuon in game so us its so active and do so
3. Your advice for improving the Roleplay level in the organization.

1. Recruit peoples who are older than 10 years in city.
2. Interview will be taken before taking a recruit, questions regarding RP will be asked.If they didnt give true answer they will not in the gang.If i see any HC hire their friend and dont take a interview will be demoted or fired with hes friend and Blacklist
3. Making the Families the most active and the most feared gang of the city.
4. Every Gang member must know and follow the server rules.
5. Promotions and bonuses to every gang member who attend events.
6. Attending every event.Doing FZ everyday.
7. If gang members are not active they will be removed.And blacklist
8. Utilizing more areas of the city for hostage situation.

My goals as Families Leader?

-Create & Organize the organization as well
-Make the organization as terrorist organization and shutdown gov
-Create massive global events for the players
-Successfully doing first term without any warns
-100% Turf

14- Leader
13- Deputy
12- Under-Deputy
11- High Command
10- Little High Command
9- The Biggest
8- Big Groove
7- Turfer
6- Mafia
5- Enforcer
4- Thug (the Rob rank)
3- Street Fighter
2- New Groove
1- Kiwi

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Aurelius Yvo

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Mar 6, 2022

Your level 12, in-game gain more experience and reapply in the future!
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