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Raymond Hulk.

Feb 22, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Larry
2. Your age: 25
3. Time zone: EST
4. Average online per day: 5-8 hours
5. Your Discord: ghostface210_
6. Your Nickname: Raymond Hulk
7. Your ID: 57704

Additional information
1. Leader of...: LSPD
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. I would like to be the leader of LSPD because I've seen the current state of organizations first hand, including there activity level, roleplay standards and the overall creation of the roleplay within the city from legal orgs I would like to bring some fresh Ideas to LSPD and some existing ways of doing things to not only improve the roleplay but the overall enjoyment for regular players as well as those who participate in legal org RP.

2. I wanna implement better patrolling throughout the city along with more than just car patrolling but foot patrols as well around high player traffic areas to help create a better experience for everyone and to also help bolster the presence of LSPD within the city limits

3. I wanna bring back better and close communication between leaders actively working together to slow down crime especially gang based crime throughout the entire city from top to bottom this has been a major issue. and its gone unchecked for some time now allowing for crime to continue to rise and grow stronger than in the past. I want to shift that balance and create a more peaceful time for those who are law abiding citizens to not always have to worry about getting attacked or shot or robbed,

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

1. my advice for improving roleplay starts with bolstering the activity rate of the organization doing so will allow for more roleplay to be produced between LSPD and the citizens and the gang members of the state. more interactions is always key to improving diminishing roleplay.

2. I want to create new means of patrolling this way there's new RP scenarios created especially on foot. maybe someone's just standing around some where go up to them and interact with them see what they are up to. roleplay isn't always about winning all the time its about creating a fun IRL feel to the game and doing so would be always interacting with those around you if someone's trying to talk to you while your writing your report in your police car don't just drive away have that interaction and create a bit of roleplay with that person.

3. I want more trainings on how to properly handle situations when they arise as well as how a cop would properly handle themselves during all different kinds of situations as well as having the 10 codes used a lot more properly then they are now and same goes with badges and badge numbers when using the radio or interacting with fellow legal org members as well as citizens throughout the state as well as sharing these trainings and ideas with my fellow leaders to help create better overall RP throughout the entire legal side of RP

Thank you for your consideration,

Ruby Specter

We Get What We Deserve
Senior Administrator
Sep 1, 2022

Being a Part of Different RP Projects / Falling Under LR 3.1​
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