Family Name : Pharos Side
Family Owner Name : Defy Daku| ID: 94401
Family owner Forum : Profile Defy Daku
Family Owner Discord : defyop
Family History:
once upon a time four friends are come from vice city to start a new life from the los santos they are decided to start a family for new other people of same thing the family of pharos side is started by four people but after sometime there are issues in family members so they are divided into two parts and choose his own ways and that is a a black time of pharos side family because we lost two friend they became family. we are broken. we decided to disband family but one day a hope rise in SAHP when i go for insurance then we got two people same thing at SAHP we talk with me invite him to join the family. they come in family like a hope and we are grow up the family with our two hope and they increase our energy and motivate to stay in family and now we are in front of you.
1: Respecting other peoples in family and in the city.
2: Be well mannered.
3:Serious about the family.
4:Spend more time as much he can spend in city.
5:Attend the all the events of family as possible.
6:Be loyal for family.
Become one in top 50 families.
buying HELICOPTER for family and more CARS for family mambers.
Recruit more mambers in family.
Become a position in Top 10 families.
Become a SUPER CAR family in the city.
Buying a family house with helipad
Buying more business for family.
Famliy Ranks:
Leader: Main head of the family.
Deputy:the second head of the family and the most trusted person of the leader.
Under Deputy: the most trusted person for Deputy and the person who know about events and Family Rules.
Advisor: this is the person who advise about events and business. And also know about family members situations.
Trusted: they are the spy of leader and trusted members they individually talk with all member and inform to leader directly about members thoughts.
Turfer: they are the backbone of family because they are the manage all the events in the family and cover up the leader and other family mambers and also manage ammunation logs.
Trainer: They are passed the test of loyalty of high commands and achieved this rank and train the leos for family events. they know basic rules of family.
Leos: they are achieved this rank in family when they are normally come when HC give the meeting point and do what leader say.
Homies: They are newly joined the family but understand the Normal Family Rules and understand about RP Rules.
Newib: They are new in city and try to understand what is family and what is RP.
Family Logo :
Family Clothes:
Family Owner Name : Defy Daku| ID: 94401
Family owner Forum : Profile Defy Daku
Family Owner Discord : defyop
Family History:
once upon a time four friends are come from vice city to start a new life from the los santos they are decided to start a family for new other people of same thing the family of pharos side is started by four people but after sometime there are issues in family members so they are divided into two parts and choose his own ways and that is a a black time of pharos side family because we lost two friend they became family. we are broken. we decided to disband family but one day a hope rise in SAHP when i go for insurance then we got two people same thing at SAHP we talk with me invite him to join the family. they come in family like a hope and we are grow up the family with our two hope and they increase our energy and motivate to stay in family and now we are in front of you.
1: Respecting other peoples in family and in the city.
2: Be well mannered.
3:Serious about the family.
4:Spend more time as much he can spend in city.
5:Attend the all the events of family as possible.
6:Be loyal for family.
Become one in top 50 families.
buying HELICOPTER for family and more CARS for family mambers.
Recruit more mambers in family.
Become a position in Top 10 families.
Become a SUPER CAR family in the city.
Buying a family house with helipad
Buying more business for family.
Famliy Ranks:
Leader: Main head of the family.
Deputy:the second head of the family and the most trusted person of the leader.
Under Deputy: the most trusted person for Deputy and the person who know about events and Family Rules.
Advisor: this is the person who advise about events and business. And also know about family members situations.
Trusted: they are the spy of leader and trusted members they individually talk with all member and inform to leader directly about members thoughts.
Turfer: they are the backbone of family because they are the manage all the events in the family and cover up the leader and other family mambers and also manage ammunation logs.
Trainer: They are passed the test of loyalty of high commands and achieved this rank and train the leos for family events. they know basic rules of family.
Leos: they are achieved this rank in family when they are normally come when HC give the meeting point and do what leader say.
Homies: They are newly joined the family but understand the Normal Family Rules and understand about RP Rules.
Newib: They are new in city and try to understand what is family and what is RP.
Family Logo :
Family Clothes: