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Bronson Blake

Sep 13, 2022


  • Organization: Federal Investigation Bureau
  • Name: Bronson Blake
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 32
  • Nationality: Romanian
  • Place of Birth: Romania
  • Sexuality: Straight
  • Eye colour: Red
  • Hair colour: Dark
  • Tattoos: Hands, chest, back and legs
  • Strengths: Cunning, determined, adaptable
  • Weakness: Blurred moral compass, trust issues


Bronson Blake was born in the grimy backstreets of South Los Santos, a place where hope seemed to be dimming as quickly as a street lamp. Raised in a broken home, he witnessed the darker side of humanity daily: drug deals gone wrong, gang warfare, and a constant parade of blue and red flashing lights that haunted his dreams. These chaotic and violent surroundings instilled in Bronson two things: an acute survival instinct and a burning desire to escape this life.
The streets taught him to be cunning, to always have an exit strategy, and to never trust anyone completely. His early friends were gangsters, hustlers, and thieves. But even amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope always existed in young Bronson's heart. He harbored dreams of wearing a badge, to stand as a beacon of hope and change in a city swallowed by crime.
By his late teens, Bronson had managed to distance himself from the life of crime. However, the streets wouldn’t let him go that easily. One fateful night, his closest childhood friend, Carlo, who was still entrenched in gang life, was caught in a crossfire between rival factions. Bronson watched helplessly as Carlo bled out in his arms, the life fading from his eyes.
The heart-wrenching experience was the cruel final lesson the streets of South Los Santos had to offer. It left an indelible scar on Bronson's soul and ignited an undying hatred for gangs. He earned himself a scholarship to a state university, a ticket out of Los Santos, if only for a while. There, amidst the pain and longing for justice, his aspirations grew stronger, leading him to study criminal justice. With Carlo's memory as a driving force, he vowed to return to Los Santos and rid it of the very darkness that had taken his friend away. Nothing seemed impossible for the wounded yet determined Bronson.


Bronson returned to Los Santos after graduation, eager to make a difference. He sailed through police academy, his instructors always noting his remarkable instincts, honed from years in the city's brutal streets. Soon, his skills caught the eye of the Federal Investigation Bureau (FIB), and he quickly climbed the ranks, becoming one of the youngest agents to receive multiple commendations. However, the glittering reputation of the FIB was tarnished from the inside. As Bronson rose in ranks, he realized that the institution was not as clean as he had imagined. Money, power, and secrets flowed like an underground river, tainting everything it touched.
The turning point came when his former street friends approached him with an offer. A transaction that, if executed discreetly, would set Bronson up for life. The temptation of wealth and a chance to ensure the safety and prosperity of his family became hard to resist. But one deal turned into another, and soon, Bronson found himself entangled in a web of deceit, money laundering, and backroom deals. He became a puppet, dancing to the tunes of both the FIB and the underworld. His commendations were now occasionally accompanied by suspicious glances, the lines between right and wrong blurred, and he lost sight of the beacon of hope he once aspired to be, influenced by his rough path and the loss of his dear friend.


  1. Bronson can deny to show his Identification to protect his identity and privacy;
  2. Bronson can deny or lie about calling an attorney for a suspect in his custody;
  3. Bronson can remove criminals from the wanted list and wipe their criminal record;
  4. Bronson can help his family or friends escape prison or take bribes for it (DarkNet);
  5. Bronson can sell information to individuals or criminal organizations. (100k in cash.)
  6. Bronson can take bribes, but cannot take bribe to be a hostage (up to $100k or equivalent value in illegal firearms or items);
  7. Bronson can use illegal firearms and items (drugs, engine blockers) while on or off duty;
  8. Bronson can partake in criminal activities alone, or with his family (kidnapping, robbing, murdering);
  9. Bronson can search Law Enforcement and suspects for their bodycams and destroy them by smashing them on the ground (“/try to find the bodycam” - 2x per situation - and “/do to destroy it”)
  10. Bronson can kidnap, rob or kill in secluded areas - applies to criminals or people trying to tarnish the image of FIB.

Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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