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Siddh Pluxury

Nov 2, 2023
Ballas Street GangšŸ”«

1. Your name IRL : Siddh
2. Your age : 17
3. Time zone : GMT 5:30 +
4. Average online per day : 5-6 Hours
5. Your Discord : s1ddh
6. Your Nickname : Siddh Pluxury
7. Your ID : 58714

Additional information

1. Leader of Ballas Street Gang !!

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation) :

- I am doing RP from a long time and during this I have learnt and gained a lot of experience. Hence, I have decided to take this experience and use it in the field. I have spent a good amount of time in the gangs have I know how things work and by time I have get to know the places where the RP can be improved which I will further discuss in the question below.

- The word "Ballas" means tough like a diamond. I have several plans to execute "Ballas" in real time and make Ballas Street Gang a real big organization which everyone will fear. I am well connected to people in this city and having connections with several family, which is going to help me make Ballas Street Gang a big organization.

- I have spent time in most of the orgs but I have special attachment with Ballas as it was my second gang in city 3 which i joined and move further in my criminal journey. I once again want to see this gang on top of criminal world. To do this I will try my 100 % and best !

- My previous Ballas experience was 11th rank ( Shabah Verlice )
- Under Deputy in Marabunta ( Frosty Panther )
- 10th rank in Bloods ( Honey LoadX )

3. Your advice for improving the Role Play level in the organization :
- Keeping the relations good. It is one of the most important thing being a gang leader, if we have good connections and allies then we get more scenario to roleplay.
- Unity within gang. I will try my best to keep my gang members united by avoiding any kind of internal org drama.
- Bonus system. I will be giving out bonus to all the people who are doing good and giving their best !
- Events. I will be encouraging members to attend several events, which will provide them new opportunities to learn new things and have fun !

At Last I would like to thank the Dear Curators of Ballas Street Gang for going through my application !

Vinay Reddie

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Aug 8, 2022
Gain more experience, then reapply in the future.
Most of your experience time spent is in legal orgs not crime.​
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