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Founder SokakdanBakan Gang
Jan 17, 2024
1. Your name IRL - Aleks
2. Your age -
3. Time zone - Turkey Time Zone
4. Average online per day - 16
-20 Hours
5. Your Discord - hill1aleks
6. Your Nickname - Aleks Hill
7. Your ID -
Additional information
1. Leader of...
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)
1 Thats My first leader experience if you i will a leader.
I had no idea where I was going or what I was doing. But my first Under-Dep my so i have diffrent feeling for Ballas if i will a leader we will attend all events and show great activity

2) We will have great activity ballas have great history with The Families but i think ballas its better cuz i love purple.

3) We will a most active gang in a city.We will do all events during my term.We will do robbery all time when we have a space from the events.We will a good turf and got a least 10 territory.Who will a not active get demoted or even fired.We will have good deputy's who can help me for manage a Big The Best Gang in a City.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Like I previously stated I have been in high ranks before and this has given me knowledge that If I do become a leader they can ask any questions whether that be about rules or just questions, in general, I can tell them so they then know what to do and not to do.

2) Kill all leos team with other gangs.Shutdown GOV.Thats all main goal.And we have a good well-known and good turfers i think.And i give a permission for giving good bonuses who attend events and show good activity in a City.We will got least 20 sprays.

3) A min age is a 7 because good activity=many peoples.We will recruit who's knows gang and city rules if who does rulebreak get a directly fired and blacklist.We will do a good we will enforce strict rules.

4) If i will a become a leader of Ballas we just not focus a events we will focus turf and territory too.I wont skip cland and BattleShip too.
Rank System

14. Leader
12.Under Deputy
11.High Command
10.Spray Leader
9.Spray Team
3. Probie
Crime State Experience:
Ballas:Under Deputy
Vagos:Under Deputy
Marabunta:Under Deputy
Bloods:Under Deputy
The Families:Under Deputy
SAHP:US. Marshal
NG : Sergeant
LSPD: Sergeant (department) (21)
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