We we're in a active shoot out with him, and he escaped afterwards.
After 2-3 minutes we found them , and continued the role and killed them. As you can see he exited his car with a gun in his hand, like i said we we're in a active shootout. And i will do a complaint to because your friends attacked us too with their hands, they took in hands in a active shoot out. This is failrp. In the moment we shot you, we can't determine who is who so we also shot the guys in your car.
Last but not least you can see his friend on the ground that would be a proof for the shootout with him.
Also i will do a complain because you forgot to include your cr in the video probably cutted it out, but not worries i recorded it.
And to the bad words:
We're in a roleplay, so i don't think i need to say anything here.
Wish everyone a nice night.