this guy just run to is car with guns pointed at him
C Cohen Flawless Player Player Joined Jun 23, 2021 Messages 42 Jul 30, 2021 #1 this guy just run to is car with guns pointed at him
Abraham Elkhabib Chief Administrator Chief Administrator Joined May 10, 2021 Messages 12,697 Jul 30, 2021 #2 Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report ID 45919 will receive a punishment for FearRP + Fail FearRP same as FailRP is not allowed when u had guns on your head u need to be scared for you life If you feel the punishment the administrator issued is incorrect, feel free to file a Punishment Appeal
Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report ID 45919 will receive a punishment for FearRP + Fail FearRP same as FailRP is not allowed when u had guns on your head u need to be scared for you life If you feel the punishment the administrator issued is incorrect, feel free to file a Punishment Appeal