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Dimitri Accardiann

Accardian Famq
Oct 20, 2021

1. Your name IRL : Dimitri
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : GMT +3
4. Average online per day : 4-5hrs
5. Your Discord : dimitriacc
6. Your Nickname : Dimitri Accardian
7. Your ID : 67362

Additional information

1. Leader of Bloods

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

> First of all, I want to become the leader of this organization because I see that other leaders cannot keep their organizations active and their organizations are doing badly without being active. I want to be the leader of this organization and increase the RP events on the server by keeping the activity high.

> I have played many captures in organizations and have been in high ranks. Now I think I'm ready for it myself, and I can make sure that my friends will be high in ghetto and highway activity by keeping the activity high in my organization if I become a leader. I think I won't have any difficulty running the gang because I think it's enough in my experience.

> I like Bloods hq because bloods is a very good street for me. I have a lot of memories here and I want to relive them.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

I will not hesitate to invite people who know the rules and are good at events to my organization. This is very important to me because I don't want to get verbal or warning about unnecessary issues. Participation in the events on the server should be given importance and nice bonus distribution should be made to the people who participate in their participation, and I will organize a bonus system in this. I need to encourage people to join my gang, and that's very important.

> Inviting people who know rules
> Good activity in ghetto and highway
> Doing grafitti in every hour
> Attacking Store and FZ raid with good numbers
> 100% turfs with my team
> Allience with other gangs
Thanks for reading


Mar 20, 2024
hahaha nice soo good yo get banned in en 1 server for hack and admin direspect and you want to leader a gang?
the worst leader I've ever seen


Jan 20, 2024
1. I never got banned for cheats on any server. I pass all pc checks. u crying here cuz u blacklisted.
2. I never play de1 so thats basicly means you lying.
Next time try to find another good lie.
yes you may not be banned for not cheating but you were using cheats


Mar 21, 2023


Mar 22, 2024

1. Your name IRL : Dimitri
2. Your age : 19
3. Time zone : GMT +3
4. Average online per day : 4-5hrs
5. Your Discord : dimitriacc
6. Your Nickname : Dimitri Accardian
7. Your ID : 67362

Additional information

1. Leader of Bloods

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

> First of all, I want to become the leader of this organization because I see that other leaders cannot keep their organizations active and their organizations are doing badly without being active. I want to be the leader of this organization and increase the RP events on the server by keeping the activity high.

> I have played many captures in organizations and have been in high ranks. Now I think I'm ready for it myself, and I can make sure that my friends will be high in ghetto and highway activity by keeping the activity high in my organization if I become a leader. I think I won't have any difficulty running the gang because I think it's enough in my experience.

> I like Bloods hq because bloods is a very good street for me. I have a lot of memories here and I want to relive them.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

I will not hesitate to invite people who know the rules and are good at events to my organization. This is very important to me because I don't want to get verbal or warning about unnecessary issues. Participation in the events on the server should be given importance and nice bonus distribution should be made to the people who participate in their participation, and I will organize a bonus system in this. I need to encourage people to join my gang, and that's very important.

> Inviting people who know rules
> Good activity in ghetto and highway
> Doing grafitti in every hour
> Attacking Store and FZ raid with good numbers
> 100% turfs with my team
> Allience with other gangs
Thanks for reading
Ananı götünden sikeyim senin atan olucak atatürkü hak etmeyen anneni ve babanı ayakta sikeyim Allah ve muhammede söven götünü sikeyim anneni babanı duvara yapıştırıp sikimi vura vura döveyim kanser babanı götden sikeyim anneni ters çevirip götüne kılıç sokup senin ağzına sokayım babanı aileni sülalenin gebermesi için hergün beddua ediyorum aileni ve ölmüş babanneni ölmüş bütün aile üyelerini mezarına işeyim mezarından çıkarıp sikeyim annenin amcık kıllarını dişlerimle ayırıp o kılları babanın önünde sana sokayım orospunun evladı

Can Grove

Leader of Hidra Family
Dec 6, 2022
1. I never got banned for cheats on any server. I pass all pc checks. u crying here cuz u blacklisted.
2. I never play de1 so thats basicly means you lying.
Next time try to find another good lie.
orospu çocuğu nasıl diye yazılır cisway diye okunur orospu evladı puhahahstdgyuhasıjdkoasldas

Can Grove

Leader of Hidra Family
Dec 6, 2022
cisway tut başını koçum asdrftasgydhuıjaskolp orospunun öz evladı seni

cisway ananlayız knks sadt5gyasuhıjdoklpasğşdiüas


Mar 22, 2024
Ölmüş aile üyelerinin mezarlarına işerim sikimi sürterim mezar taşlarına cenaze tabutuna işer sikimi sürterim üstüne ananın yedi ceddini siker ailene beddualarıma iletir ananı götünden sikerim babanın önünde babanda orda top gibi oturur onunda kafasına ölmüş babannenin cesediyle vururum
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