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Lucy Moon

Oct 4, 2023
1. Your name IRL: Mouhamad Aarabi
2. Gender: Female.
2. Your age: (IC 35) | (OOC 19)
4. Nationality: Syria.
3. Place of birth: Syria.
4. Sexuality: Straight
5. Eye Color: Green (Lizard)
6. Hair Color: White
7. Tattoos: Left, Right Arm.
8. Strengths: Hard working.
9. Weakness: Patience

Life Story.

Light Moon was born into the harsh realities of the ghetto, where gangs held sway. Losing her parents at the tender age of three, she was left to navigate the unforgiving streets alone. Exposed to the sight of drugs and weapons from a young age, she faced constant financial struggles. Eventually, she succumbed to the lure of illegal work, aligning herself with a local gang to make ends meet. Under their influence, she learned to wield weapons and produce drugs.

However, witnessing the brutality of her associates firsthand, particularly the murder of a young kid, stirred something within her. Despite the darkness that surrounded her, Light felt a growing desire to combat the very crimes she once participated in. It was then that she resolved to become a police officer, determined to bring about justice and stem the tide of violence plaguing her community. Yet, she knew that her past experiences had left a mark on her, a lingering struggle between her aspirations for good and the darker impulses within her.

Career Story:

After graduating from the police academy, she joined the LSPD as an officer, battling her persistent drug addiction. Despite evading drug tests, she was caught buying drugs from the black market by an undercover cop. Fearing exposure, she faked her own death, underwent plastic surgery, and assumed a new identity.

Reinventing herself. Returning to her roots, she joined the LSPD and quickly ascended to Chief of Staff and curator of an department. Throughout her journey, she grappled with her demons and was tempted by the allure of corruption, drawn by the fast money it promised.

  1. Light can use illegal weapons while on or off duty, acquired through theft or looting from victims.
  2. Light has the ability to accept bribes of up to $100,000, but she will not accept payment to become a hostage.
  3. Light may refuse to show her identity.
  4. Light may attempt to break her victims' body cameras using the /try command, with only two attempts allowed.
  5. Light is allowed of buying and selling items on the black market that do not belong to organizations.
  6. Light may break in-character laws due to her corruption.
  7. Light is authorized to confiscate or appropriate weapons from gang members and other criminals for her own use.
  8. Light may falsely claim that she requested a lawyer or deny their presence.
  9. Light is permitted to rob or kill criminals in the ghetto, or to kidnap and rob them in secluded areas.
  10. Light can misuse her power and authority to aid her friends in escaping from prison or removing them from the wanted list.
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