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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
Your ID
Players nickname
khalid mocro
Administrators nickname
negan smith
Mar 22, 2024

Khalid NoFear

Leader of unofficial org
Jan 12, 2024
Dear Lebron,
I am sorry for what happened, but I want to tell you that the punishment I received is not correct. I know that you do not speak Arabic and you will not understand that word. You may have asked some people, but I swear to you that it is not a bad thing.
The word Sir T9awed is a Moroccan slogan for fuck off and even google says so, maybe i should get muted for 3 hours.
They just wanted to get rid of our family, and they did it.
I hope the investigation will be opened again.
I am not here because I cannot play for 7 days, but I felt that the decision tooken againt us is unfair because it leaded to our Unofficial org status being revoked.
Our family has been developing for months, and I invested alot in of work to achieve that, this last caused us alot of loss of many members.
I hope that an investigation will be opened and I am ready for any punishment because I have seen many videos saying things a hundred times worse.
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