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Rejected EMS Corrupt Bio | Freddie Mercenary | 56925

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Fred Mercenary

Mar 30, 2024
Organization: EMS

Name: Freddie Mercenary
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Nationality: British
Place of Birth: Wales
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Dark Brown
Tattoos: Chest, back and both arms
Strengths: Empathetic, creative, great driver and pilot
Weakness: Low patience

Life Story: Freddie grew up in a poor city in Wales with high crime rates, and very little hope of a brighter future. Although he tried his hardest at education with the goal of leaving his city to move on to better things. He quickly realised that this wouldn't be as easy as he had imagined. With gang life surrounding him and money worries becoming even more evident the older he got, he was forced to take up a life of crime to support his family and himself. Freddie started to sell drugs and due to this had many run ins with the police and with other gangs and quickly learnt he had to protect himself (and his family) or pay the price if he didn't.

Career Story: As Freddie was getting older and tired of his surroundings, he decided to move to the place of promised dreams called Los Santos. His childhood friend from his home city had already made the move there and told Freddie many great things about Los Santos. So with a hope and a dream, Freddie decided to make the long journey to start a better life without the shady past surrounding him. He quickly realised that his friend was lying to him, and he was in no better position in Los Santos as he was in Wales. He was surrounded by gangs, violence, corrupt police and still faced with poverty. He took on random jobs from taxi driving to lumberjacks, but nothing would make ends meet and he was forced to take up his old life of selling drugs and once again having to protect himself. Freddie already tired of that life decided to change direction and joined EMS where he could help people instead of hurt them, he enjoyed being on the other side of the table and had made many great friends along the way as well as saving many lives. But he still struggled to make ends meet, he was still poor and had too many bills after all he had sacrificed to move to the city. It seems like Freddie is stuck doing the one thing he is good at, that he has tried so hard not to do, to survive in a city of crime.

Only Outcome:
1- Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules)
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Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOCly​
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