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Rejected Entbannungsantrag für Warehousing | Claudio Pitaro | 139760 | Nate Trapstar | Entbannungsantrag von Claudio Pitaro

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Claudio pitaro
Administrators nickname
Nate trapster
Sep 19, 2023

Claudio pitaro

Sep 19, 2023
Hiermit stelle ich meinen offiziellen Entbannungsantrag von Claudio pitaro

informatIonen :

ich ( ID: 139760 Name : Claudio Pitaro) ich wurde am 19.9.2023 gebannt Grund warehousing

erst mal möchte ich mich entschuldigen zu meiner tat und ich werde so Was nie wieder machen im meinen leben

Informationen und aussagen :

ersten hört sich jetzt vielleicht dumm an aber ich wusste nicht dass es stehlen aus Familien
Erlaubt wäre zu dieser Aussage würde ich gerne noch was hinzuzufügen ein betroffenesopfer meiner schrecklichen Tat hatte
mir auf dem D funk Geschrieben ich sollte die Sachen zurückgeben Geschrieben ich sollte die Sachen zurückgeben dann habe
ich ich Angst bekommen ich zitiere was er gesagt hat ( Wenn du nicht willst das du perma bekommst, würde ich an deiner
Stelle die Rep-Kits und Panels zurückgeben!!! Sonst bist weg! ) nach der Aussage hate kein bock ein perma zu bekommen wie
gesagt dachte da darch wer die Sache gefressen weil er hat mir nicht mehr geantwortet Aus dieser Antwort heraus dachte ich
mir dann spiel ich weiter Grand jetzt habe ich ein perma Bann und bin traurig wie gesagt ich tut mir vom Herzen leit und ich
bin zu Boden zerstört aber in dem Sinne tut es mir leid ich weiß nicht ob Mann was da wieder gut machen kann aber ich
entschuldige mich an alle Beteiliguns Opfer die durch meien tat Eingeschränkt worden

gründe warum ich endbannt werden sollte oder ein milderne straffe zu bekommen:

es ist jetzt ein längere zeit vergangen und ich habe aus meinen Fehler gelernt und bereue meine Tat sehr würde mich freuen das ich wider teil des Projekts werden kann wünsche allen beteiligen noch ein schönen Tag

I hereby submit my official request to unban Claudio Pitaro

information :

I (ID: 139760 Name: Claudio Pitaro) I was banned on September 19, 2023 Reason warehousing

First of all I would like to apologize for what I did and I will never do anything like that again in my life

Information and statements:

First of all, it may sound stupid, but I didn't know that stealing from families
If permitted, I would like to add something to this statement that a victim of my terrible act had
Written to me on the D radio I should return the things Written I should return the things then I have
I'm afraid I'll quote what he said (If you don't want to get sperm, I would work on yours
Return the rep kits and panels!!! Otherwise you're gone! ) according to the statement, I don't feel like getting a perma like that
Said, I thought who had eaten the matter because he didn't answer me anymore. Based on this answer, I thought
Then I'll continue playing Grand now I have a permanent ban and I'm sad as I said, I feel sorry for myself and I
I'm devastated but in that sense I'm sorry. I don't know if there's anything I can do to make things right, but I can
I apologize to all the victims who were affected by my actions

Reasons why I should be banned or given a milder sentence:

A long time has passed now and I have learned from my mistakes and I really regret my actions. I would be happy that I can become part of the project. I wish everyone involved a nice day

Claudio pitaro

Sep 19, 2023
Hello hir, I'm writing my official relaxation application:

I am claudio picaro I 139760 and was banned on September 19th, 2023. Reason Warehousing

what even happened:

On September 19th, 2023, I stole things from a family's warehouse and from their cars. They must have been repair kits and solar panels. I removed them and chewed them. I admit that, but at this time it sounds strange, but I didn't know that that you can be punished or sanctioned. It only became clear to me afterwards what had been done. I stole something from people who paid money for them. I would also feel bad and angry. I understand that they sent me up But it wasn't clear to me and it's been a long time now and I'm really very sorry for what I did and I regret it very much. I would give back everything that I stole but and I regret what I did very much.

Apology: I would like to apologize deeply for my unforgivable actions of removing and taking possession of people's things and property and I will do everything in my power to return the stolen property and I ask for your forgiveness and the opportunity to make up for my wrongdoing, I have learned from my mistakes and will never do something like that again in my life or even think about doing something like that. I would be happy with 60 or 30 days and look forward to being part of the project again soon. LG Claudio Pitaro

Reasons why I should get a milder punishment:

Reason 1: The ban has been around for a long time now and in the last 6 months I have become much more mature and have also understood how to have more respect for other people and their property.

Reason 2: I would of course return all the things and personally apologize to everyone involved and ask for mercy

Hello, I wish everyone involved a nice day.

Kind regards Claudio Pitaro
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