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Luka Joe

Nabijem te na kurac jesi me cuo
Leader of unofficial org
May 17, 2023
1. Your name IRL Luka
2. Your age 15
3. Time zone GMT +1
4. Average online per day 8-12h
5. Your Discord joee120
6. Your Nickname Joe Undefeated
7. Your ID 0000

Additional information
1. Leader o
f... The Ballas Gang
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

2.1 I want to be leader of The Ballas Gang beacause I spent RP on other servers like RS1 and EN3 in crime organizations and I was deputy in many crime organizations.
2.2 I will try to do as much events i can do for better RP experince and also get good RP experince with Ballas gang because i will do as much criminal activity as I can and i have a good premade support to run a gang successfully.
2.3 I will make sure who ever join my gang he know all the rules and have good RP experince in gang RP because i dont need any mistakes from my gang members that effect our gang because I want to make my gang most strongest gang in the city and I will try to make good turf team for 100% turf season.
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
1. 0% Toxity in between gang members and respect each other
2. Making good RP in gang
3. Bonuses for being active
4.Fair rank system
13. Leader

12. Co Leader
11. El Capo
10. O.G
9. Turfer
8. Graffiti team leader
7. Graffiti team
6. Gheto Warrior
5. Gheto Cleaner
4. Ballas
3.Lil Ballas

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