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Rejected Leader Rule 1.9 | GOV | Governor heart attack | 12/04/24

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Emily Redz

Oct 18, 2022
Date and time of the event: 12/04/24 Time: TBD

The organization that is conducting the event: GOV

The event scenario Must be detailed and include the whole event:

The Governor is visiting SH hospital and will have a heart attack, it isn't looking good and a surgery is required. Bad news is that SH has running out of right equipment for this specify surgery.
For that reason we are going to decide to transport the governor to PH in a security convoy. All gangs are also been aware of this and will going to try to make it fail with attacking the convoy and kill him before he reach the PH hospital. All LEOs has to protect this special transport, while gangs are trying to take out the governor.

The Governor will be transported from SH (Start Point) and been bringing in for surgery at PH Entrance (Destination Point).

Why this event:

Team bonding, Coordination between LEOs, Maintain communication.

Role of Each Organization involved:

EMS: Transporting the Governor
LSPD/SAHP/FIB/NG/GOV: Must protect the transport convoy
Gangs: They will try to kill the governor before reaching PH.

Other organizations involved:

All org can participate - 5 per org + 2 EMS
All Gangs can participate - 5 per Gang

Vehicles/weapons needed:

For EMS: 1 Ambulance
For LEOS: 5 Urus + Weapons: AR + Ammunition
For Gangs: 5 Jugular + Weapons: AR + Ammunition

Admin Requirements:

Providing the vehicles and Weapons.

Rules of the event:
CR is allowed

How is the event won?

Gangs: If they manage to kill the governor before reaching destination
LEOs: If they manage to succeed to protect until reaching destination.

Prize for the winner:

$2,500,000 - spread within the winning team

Spawn location gangs: At the satellites near DOC
Spawn LEOs: SH Hospital Front
Start Location: SH Hospital

Screenshots of Location:

Jessica Odds

Nov 10, 2022

Idea is basically the same as the last global you did, Think of a different idea.​
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