- Joined
- Dec 12, 2021
- Messages
- 35
Dragi admini moji zelim detaljno da mi objasnite sto sam ja dobio ban danas na 60 dana. Za pravilo > 1.7 Zabranjen je prijenos imovine na dar (uključujući neonske cipele), čiji ukupni iznos prelazi 5.000.000 $(Dopušteno vam je primiti 5.000.000 $ i prenijeti 5.000.000 $ dnevno.) (Dopušteno je povući/ polagati novac iz/na obiteljski bilans.) | Zabrana 60 dana.
Posto ja nisam igrao aktivno ovih 5,6 dana nista nisam prodo nista nisam dobio na poklon. Pa zelim da dobijem dokaze da vidim sta sam ja to dobio na poklon. Sve je bilo na prodaji normalno gde sam proda drug leb i ostale biznise. Razmena i doplata normalno odradjena, a ja na poklon nista nisam dobio od nikog. To sto moji drugari su stavili sve pare na porodican balans i stavili stvari u sef jer hoce da odmore od ovog namestenog servera, gde admini cuvaju jedne druge gde nema nista pravedno. Moji drugari su to uradili pre 10 dana, ja dobijem sasvim slucajno danas ban jer imam najvise para a izaso je biznis.. Pa mi discord prepun poruka i gledaju dal cu ja da uzmem.
Nebitno to, dobije isto moj drugar najbogatiji na serveru isti razlog a covek ni patike iz Binca nije dobio! Hvala lepo velika pozdrav
Zelim dokaz da vidim, posto kazu da sam pre par dana dobio a buraz ja nisam dobio nista nedeljama.
Samo dokaz i to je to.
My dear admins, I would like you to explain in detail what I got banned for 60 days today. For rule> 1.7 It is forbidden to transfer property as a gift (including neon shoes), the total amount of which exceeds $ 5,000,000 (You are allowed to receive $ 5,000,000 and transfer $ 5,000,000 per day.) (It is allowed to withdraw / deposit money from on the family balance.) | 60-day ban.
Since I haven't played actively these 5.6 days, I haven't sold anything. So I want to get evidence to see what I got as a gift. Everything was sold normally, where I sold other bread and other businesses. Exchange and surcharge normally done, and I did not receive anything as a gift from anyone. The fact that my friends put all the money on the family balance and put things in the safe because they want to take a break from this set up server, where the admins keep each other where there is nothing fair. My friends did it 10 days ago, I just got a ban today because I have the most money and it's business. Well, my discord is full of messages and they are looking to see if I can take it.
No matter what, my friend the richest on the server gets the same reason and the man didn't even get sneakers from Binac! Thank you very much greetings
I want proof to see, since they say I got it a few days ago and my brother didn't get anything for weeks.
Just proof and that's it.
Posto ja nisam igrao aktivno ovih 5,6 dana nista nisam prodo nista nisam dobio na poklon. Pa zelim da dobijem dokaze da vidim sta sam ja to dobio na poklon. Sve je bilo na prodaji normalno gde sam proda drug leb i ostale biznise. Razmena i doplata normalno odradjena, a ja na poklon nista nisam dobio od nikog. To sto moji drugari su stavili sve pare na porodican balans i stavili stvari u sef jer hoce da odmore od ovog namestenog servera, gde admini cuvaju jedne druge gde nema nista pravedno. Moji drugari su to uradili pre 10 dana, ja dobijem sasvim slucajno danas ban jer imam najvise para a izaso je biznis.. Pa mi discord prepun poruka i gledaju dal cu ja da uzmem.
Nebitno to, dobije isto moj drugar najbogatiji na serveru isti razlog a covek ni patike iz Binca nije dobio! Hvala lepo velika pozdrav
Zelim dokaz da vidim, posto kazu da sam pre par dana dobio a buraz ja nisam dobio nista nedeljama.
Samo dokaz i to je to.
My dear admins, I would like you to explain in detail what I got banned for 60 days today. For rule> 1.7 It is forbidden to transfer property as a gift (including neon shoes), the total amount of which exceeds $ 5,000,000 (You are allowed to receive $ 5,000,000 and transfer $ 5,000,000 per day.) (It is allowed to withdraw / deposit money from on the family balance.) | 60-day ban.
Since I haven't played actively these 5.6 days, I haven't sold anything. So I want to get evidence to see what I got as a gift. Everything was sold normally, where I sold other bread and other businesses. Exchange and surcharge normally done, and I did not receive anything as a gift from anyone. The fact that my friends put all the money on the family balance and put things in the safe because they want to take a break from this set up server, where the admins keep each other where there is nothing fair. My friends did it 10 days ago, I just got a ban today because I have the most money and it's business. Well, my discord is full of messages and they are looking to see if I can take it.
No matter what, my friend the richest on the server gets the same reason and the man didn't even get sneakers from Binac! Thank you very much greetings
I want proof to see, since they say I got it a few days ago and my brother didn't get anything for weeks.
Just proof and that's it.