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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Karim Cartel
Administrators nickname
dinesh aluri
Apr 12, 2024

Karim Atlas

Aug 3, 2022
Hello Dear Admins!

So a few month ago, a new person became admin, To be honest, i have NEVER seen this person in ANY org before, I think he came to this city and applied for admin straight away. He is a 54k ID and i never seen him anywhere. ( This is no hate against the Administrator here but i think he is not fit for the position of an Admin). and i think that he is doing admin corruption for some people in this server. For example, a few days ago, me and my family were at informal and these 2 people came playing music very loud, i called admin and i said Music in Public. Then Dinesh responded and came and he said " Watching", a few minutes later, the person killed me because i said " Get out of here " with a little disrespect, i said to Dinesh, why isn't he getting punished for RDM, he said i didn't see it please put forum against him,
Proof: (
Also one of my friends got a waring for MK when he didnt do anything for it, Even Bobby lifted the forum and knew that it was wrong decison,
Proof: ( Reviewed - Demorgan for MK | Dinesh Aluri )

Now i posted a Forums against a person, ID 65353, the forum was correct and i even asked admins before i posted them.
Forum 1: Rejected - Pov Request | 65353
For this forum, it was POV REQUEST, everything about it was fine but dinesh aluri rejected it for " you can only ask pov of events " which i made sure to ask admins before i posted the forum, Proof: ( )
I think that a high admin should talk with dinesh or re-train him because from where i sit, he is doing a bit of corruption for many people in this server.

Emad Pluxury

Senior Curator of Support
Senior Administrator
Apr 24, 2022
For this forum, it was POV REQUEST, everything about it was fine but dinesh aluri rejected it for " you can only ask pov of events " which i made sure to ask admins before i posted the forum, Proof: (
Regarding the pov request , The assistant admin gave wrong info which has been handled , POVs can only be requested in events
Rest of the complaint left for higher ups
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