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Approved Leader rule 1.9 | SAHP | Known Terrorist | 16/04/2024

Saint Opps

Jun 1, 2023
Date and time of the event: 16/04/24 at 17:00

The organization that is conducting the event: SAHP

The event scenario Must be detailed and include the whole event:
There is a known terrorist that landed 1 hour ago at LSIA, He wants a meeting with all gangs at his favorite hideout, Ballas HQ. The leos got word of his arrival shortly after he landed, Gangs have stationed around the HQ to protect him as he wants there help in taking down the great city of los santos. Leos prepare outside of LSPD HQ to storm Ballas HQ and bring down the most known criminal before he can plan an attack on the city! Gangs are to prevent the leos from killing or capturing him. Leos are to kill or capture him to stop his madness.

Why this event: gives more RP and is something that could happen in the real world.

Role of Each Organization Involved:
Other organizations involved: all active Leo’s/gangs 5 from each

Vehicles/weapons needed:
Jugulars for leos and ARs

Admin Requirements:
TP everyone to there respective locations, give guns and give cars for Leo’s

Rules of the event:
No reviving no roofs

How is the event won?
Gangs kill all Leo’s or Leo’s kill all gangs

Prize for the winner: 500k split among all alive.

Screenshots of the venue:
Leos will start here

Gangs will be here and the fight will happen here

Map Location of the venue:
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