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Raghav Rama

Apr 18, 2023

Name: Raghav Rama
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Nationality: INDIAN
Place of Birth: Uttar Pradesh, INDIA
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Brown
Tattoos: Left and Right Hand and in Torso
Strengths: High Shooting skills, Easily solve problems.
Weakness: Get angry sometime quickly.

Life Story:
Raghav Rama
was born and raised in India. He grew up in a poor family and was often bullied in school. He started to hang out with the wrong crowd as a teenager and got involved in petty theft and drug use. His parents were struggling to make ends meet, and he saw crime as a way to make some quick cash. When he turned 20, He joined a gang and began to participate in more serious crimes, such as robbery and drug trafficking. He quickly became one of the top enforcers in the gang, using his strength and cunning to intimidate his rivals. He was arrested several times but always managed to get out on bail or beat the charges.

Career Story:
Raghav Rama
was devastated and realized that he couldn't continue down this path. He decided to turn his life around and move away from the gang life. Raghav Rama enrolled in a Agent academy and worked hard to earn his badge. He saw this as a chance to make a positive impact in his community and make up for his past mistakes. His past criminal record made it difficult for him to get accepted, but he eventually landed a job as a FIB Agent. As Raghav Rama worked as a FIB Agent, he found himself facing new temptations. He was offered bribes by criminals he used to know, and he struggled with the temptation to take them.
1.Raghav Rama can initiate jail breaks and take dark net contracts
2. Raghav Rama can take bribes from anyone. lower sentences or remove them entirely from family/friends/strangers who are willing to pay for it (Max $100K)
3. Raghav Rama can use illegal items/firearms on duty/off duty
4. Raghav Rama can do any kind of illegal activities only while off duty (Without breaking server rules and not fighting against Leos)
5. Raghav Rama can break the bodycam by using /try commands (2 times maximum)
6. Raghav Rama can refuse to show his ID or provide a lawyer to a 10-15
7. Raghav Rama can enter ghetto, can kill people and can rob people with his family. (Not LEO's) also not entering in Gang HQs
8. Raghav Rama can ask criminals to drop their weapons or any illegal items so he can keep them for personal use or sell in black market ( not the items that belongs organization )
9. Raghav Rama can become hostage for money to improve his financial condition 100k max.
10. Raghav RamaWill always have his org radio on him to be able to respond to situations quickly.

Nik Payne

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 16, 2022

Bio Rejected

Do not copy - Life story and Career Story
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