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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Dave Onjuh
Administrators nickname
Dexter Broddy
Apr 19, 2024


Dave Onjuh
Feb 8, 2024
Dexter is one of the best admins and I love his work. This is not a complaint about any admin. I respect admin decision and I am ok with their decision. I have nothing but love for all the admins and they have a tough job. I was with an admin the entire time this situation occurred through the duration of the POV.
I would like to explain and show my side, so I can please learn from the decision.
Thank you for your time.

Today I was blacklisted from EMS. I worked in EMS for several months being promoted to HC. I am well respected as you can see from this application I submitted today for EMS Chief just before understand I am blacklisted so there is some disappointment I could not see this through.
Pending review - Leader of EMS | Dave Onjuh

I wanted to please explain the situation so I can learn: One of the EMS employees did a solar raid on our family home yesterday - it was called out in character from another family member that an EMS employee was there but I didn't know who it was IC. Then an EMS member came back later that day in the same heli and spoke to me IC asking about AR training for EMS. I said ok but I was suspicious as to how he knew where I lived. This was a new family home 1 or 2 days in and the first time we planted solar. Then he got caught today on our rooftop checking solar by another family member and the family member told me who it was. Sabbir, the EMS employee, came back again to the home which is this video. So I said to him that if he is committing crime outside his duty on EMS he will be fired and blacklisted from EMS. With my current understanding of the rules, it would be fail RP as his superior to not mention consequences for breaking the law IC if he was discovered doing so regardless of being on or off duty. My understanding is that you purchase a solar panel from a 24x7 and you aren't doing anything illegal = ok as EMS employee. Committing crime is illegal. So IC my charcter is motivated to say what he said because his employee is actively committing crime against him, trespassing, and implicating himself in theft - an illegal activity and fire-able offense in EMS. If my character doesn't say that my understanding is it would be fail RP on my part. I try extremely hard to follow rules and RP to the letter.
Seeking clarification if possible. If not I still respect the admins decision. Thank you again for your time and any response. I appreciate the hard work you do and respect your decision. I submit the full PoV because a partial POV may influence the outcome.

Please note my only language is English so I didn't know what else was happening or being discussed.

To the admins, and to Dexter especially, I am a huge fan I love your 'Among Us' entrance signature and I have spoken to you in game saying I love you bro. I will always respect you no matter the outcome and thank you again. It doesn't change my love and admiration for you and what you do for this community.

James Pluxury

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
May 2, 2021
Blacklist from org is not something that can be appealed​
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