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Rejected Government Corrupt Bio | Sinzoo Uchihax | 59157

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Nov 28, 2023
Organization : San Andreas Government

Name: Sinzoo Uchihax

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Nationality: Italian

Place of Birth: Italy,Lazio

Sexuality: Straight

Eye color: Black

Hair color: Blond hair

Tattoos: Non

Strengths: hard working, professional, passionate, weapon expert

Weakness: Impatient, Emotional attachment,Trust Issues, Loud speaking personality

Life Story :-

My name is Sinzoo , born in Italy under mysterious circumstances as my mother passed away during childbirth. Raised by my father in Latina, I grew up in the shadows of his clandestine life as a member of an American covert agency. Despite his involvement in a cartel, he ensured my education, hoping I'd break free from the criminal world. However, tragedy struck when he was killed in a police shootout during a smuggling operation.

Alone and financially drained after his death, I struggled to find my place in society. Desperate, I found myself unwittingly embroiled in gang activity after witnessing a murder. Forced to join to spare my own life, I soon proved my worth through loyalty and proficiency in their operations. As years passed, I became adept at the criminal lifestyle.

However, an opportunity arose when our gang leader sought to expand into Los Santos but faced visa issues due to his criminal record. Seeing a chance for redemption and escape, I volunteered to represent the gang in Los Santos, hoping to leave behind my dark past and start anew.


Career Story:-
After arriving in Los Santos with some financial support from my late father's connections, I found myself drawn into a powerful family's circle. They offered me guidance and support, helping me navigate the city's intricate politics. Joining the government as a USSS officer seemed like a noble path, but I soon discovered the pervasive corruption.

When my family fell from grace due to political upheaval, I was left adrift. Climbing the ranks within the USSS, I eventually found myself as the director of the department. However, when the opportunity arose to align myself with a more influential family, I seized it.

Transitioning to a role within the city's government, I became a minister of state and deputy commander of internal affairs. But as the power shifted, I found myself drawn back into the criminal underworld, engaging in illicit activities to survive. Despite my initial reluctance, I embraced the darker side of my new reality, trading morality for wealth and influence. Meanwhile, I maintained my ties with the National Guard, rising to the third-highest command in the state. However, when my family faced serious issues and I found myself at odds with my NG responsibilities, I turned to illegal work. Eventually, an old NG friend invited me to join his influential family, leading me to relinquish my NG rank and fully immerse myself in government affairs and criminal activities.


1. Sinzoo can refuse to show his ID.

2. Sinzoo can break IC laws due to his corruption

3. Sinzoo can misuse their authority and power to aid their friends in escaping from prison or removing them from the wanted list.

4.Sinzoo can receive bribes of up to $100,000 or illegal items worth upto $100,000.. (cannot take a bribe to be hostage)

5. Sinzoo may attempt to break their victims' body cameras (by using /try to find the bodycam (Twice per situation) and /do to destroy it).

6. Sinzoo can use illegal firearms both on and off duty, whether acquired through personal purchase or looting/robbing from their victims.

7. Sinzoocan purchase/sell weapons on the black market (but cannot trade anything from Org nor hold it in their car trunks).

8. Sinzoo can attend illegal businesses like drug lab and other illegal activities with their family.

9.Sinzoo is allowed to falsely claim that he has requested an attorney or deny their presence.

10.Sinzoo is permitted to rob/kill criminals in the ghetto, or kidnap and rob/kill them in secluded areas.

Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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