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Rejected Leader of Grove Street Families | Lynx West

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Lynx West

Sep 8, 2022
Your name IRL- Awad
Your age- 19
Time zone- GMT +3
Average online per day- 2-6 hours
Your Discord - 4wxd
Your Nickname- Lynx West
Your ID - 1571

Additional Information


Leader of Families

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

➣ I have started my RP journey long time ago, in that I have gained vast experience in many orgs. I have been HC in almost all state orgs, and also been HC and UD in many gangs. By working my way, I have seen how amazing the exp of gang is, how you can do many activities. So I want people to experience the gang RP to the outmost and enjoy. As I have experienced a lot of state so I am aware of how it works, their tactics, their limits etc. By know that I want to overcome from them and stay one step ahead. Families was my second gang which I joined, and I have always dreamed of becoming a leader.

Your tips for improving the RolePlay level in the organization

➣ I hate toxic people, no toxicity will be tolerated.

➣ I would be keeping the minimum age to low as possible, so that new people in the city could also get the chance to experience the organisation. I will try to help/guide them as much as possible with my knowledge.

➣ People who want to be employed should be examined in more detail and no one should be allowed to examine people.

➣ I am always here to help whoever asks me to give them some advice or something similar regarding the organization itself.

➣ I will make sure they won't be any favouritism, everyone will be treated equally.

➣ We will always divide members into each faction, for turfs and for Sprays.

Some goals:
➣ What I have seen is many gang leaders, couldn't actually complete the term, I will try my best to complete the term.

➣ I will try my best to do proper RP at every event.

➣ I will make sure everyone is treated equally.

➣ Try to get as many people possible to every event.

➣ Will give many bonuses to deserving ones.

By implementing these strategies, I could ensure you that I am capable of becoming the leader and take
Families to next level.

Thank you for reading my application.
Sincerely, Lynx

Ace Galante

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 17, 2021
Be active before applying to a leadership position.

Reapply in the future
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