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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury

Rejected Blackilsted For Breaking Rule Constantly [ Per Bobby ] | Adham Pluxury [ For Bobby ]

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Your ID
Players nickname
Abdo LaQualiteQuiParle
Administrators nickname
Federico Vautier
May 2, 2024
Check All Proofs Pls

LaQualiteQuiParle Man

Feb 12, 2023
[ Bismilah Elrahmen Elrahim ] [ ﷽ ]

Hello Bobby Thats Probably My Last Forum In This Server , I Will Just Prove Some Things Regarding Your Last Answer In This Appeal Here ,

So Bobby :

  1. You Stated in our Last Appeal That You Would Investigate The Person Who Was Banned For Using Cheats . But Before That Azat Filed His First
    Appeal here [ Rejected - Ban For Pc check (cheat) | Federico Vautier ]. Federico Posted Some Wrong Information In The Topic, Claiming That He is Banned in EN1/EN2/EN3/DE/IT for Cheating While He Wasnt , Also Adham Rejected The Forum and Claimed That He Had Evaluated All The Evidence And The Admin Had Taken The right Choice. Although we have demonstrated in this appeal [ Rejected - Blacklisted For Helping Cheater | Federico Vauiter [ For Bobby ] ], he is not cheater and isnt banned in Other Servers For Cheat . And You, Bobby, Claimed That You Would Investigate This. So What If We Were Correct And Federico Was Mistaken ,Our Main Reason We Went talking To Federico In Dms After the Rejection Ff Azat' S First Appeal Was The Same Reason You Promised us To Investigate . In the Same Day Before We Even Make The Appeal Federico Banned Us For Helping A Cheater
    Proof : And After A While Adham Blackilsted Us Ingame And In All GRP Discord , While You Bobby By Yourslef Said That Our Punishment Reason Was Not For Helping A Cheater , Then Why Many Of Us Got Banned For Helping ?

  2. After I Got Blackilsted For a reason I was Unaware Of Until You Notified Us in Our Prior Appeal . U Said That We Were Frequently Breaking The Rules Without Showing Concern And Threatening The Admin Via DMs. But, As you are aware, Bobby, We will Demonstrate That None of That Was Done By Us intentionely . First, Regarding Continually Breaking The Rules, ID 23954. For me. I Have Been Playing On This Server For Nearly More Than a Year, And I Have Never Had a Ban Last More Than Seven Days. I've Also Never Had The Opportunity To Wipe or Unban Becuz I Never Broke A Big Rule . Nonetheless, I'll Give You With More Photos That I Always Cared About My Punishment History And Not Breaking The Rules . I Even started Counting The Days That I Passed Without Receiving Any Punishment And That I Was Inquiring With The Aministrators About My punishments
    Proof : This Other Proof That I Was Going To Apply For Being A Leader And Wanted To Paritcipate In Improving The RP So I Was Always Checking Abt The Punishments And Trying My Best Avoiding Them
    Proof : In These Last 4-5 Months I Barely Broke A Rule And I Tried My Best To Not To , So Bobby You Really Think That I Constantly Brake Rules , I Know My Actions and I Am Sure 100% That I Never Did That And Showed You Every Proof I Have , And The Best Proof That Will Show You That Im Only Saying The Truth Is My Ingame Punishemtn History Itself .

  3. So Bobby U Also Said That We Threatened Federico In Dms , But If I Really Did Why Would I Post The Whole Conversation In The Last Appeal ? , In My Knowledge The Defenition Of Threatenig As I know is Expressing or Suggesting A Threat of harm, danger, etc. But All What I Have Done Is Sending Proofs To Federico Trying To Convince Him He did Wrong Decision And Everyone Can Make Mistakes , I Will Provide The Conversation Again Here

    Proof :
    I Never Insulted Or Wanted To Threat Anyone , Admin Or Player , I Even Had Good Realtionship With Seniors Before And After They Became Admins , And There is Proofs Of Some Of Our Conversations :

    Proof : | imgur.com | imgur.com
I Always Belived That Talking Is The Best Way To acheive Justice I Never Tried To Use Any Kind Of Threatening Or Isnulting .

Finally , I Believe You Will Review Your Decision Regarding This Situation Including Me and My friend Who Got Blacklisted And Acheive Only The Truth And Justice Because Bobby We Spent a Long Time In This Server And We Made Too ManyFreinds In This Server and We Only Play in EN3 Cuz We Always Have Fun There . This Is Not The End We Were Looking For. We Only Want Justice And Something That Make Sense

Best Regards ,
Abdo .
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