bro stop off-topic by saying my fans came lol
bro you did racism and trying to decieve admins again that you something else you called us that ''kurds surrounded me'' then make fun of his accent in the last second wdym you didnt do racism you made fun of his accent and called us kürt and you know so well that we are turkish bro we met thousnd time before stop being a cock and lie here
and still when i wrote there just point the place my friends sweared to you OOC and did GR 3.1 but you still didnt answer that, becouse they didnt do any GR 3.1 and youre lieing to admins to punish my friends for nothing they said
and as i wrote there you didnt Fear of your life and didnt do Fear Rp and run away, okay thats normal then you pulled out your gun and runned to the fight zone it means you joined to the fight we tought you were a enemy and shot you if you join to a gunfight its no more GR 6.15 anymore. stop crying and trying to decieve admins. please enough of this shit just addmit that you did Racism and Fear Rp
if you think like let me close forum to not get banned for Racism, oh no youre so wrong i will not leave you till you get punished for being Racist calling us Kürts and making fun of Kürdish accent
and ''salak'' isnt a toxicity its a slang xd (word ''salak'' means ''stupid'' in english''
and dont worry for hitbox i am on it rn