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Doc Brown
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May 6, 2024


Mar 17, 2022
Hello. I am Doc Brown ID 5648 a player from Grand RS I am a donator on Grand Project. I got blacklisted today like a lot of players because of opening lottery tickets which i bought for €4657.70 each. I didn't see a problem if I bought tickets because they were cheap to buy in the 24/7 and I bought tickets around 1000 of them and opened them. Mujo Simba head admin ID 10 banned me and blacklisted me but this is not bug abuse or anything wrong to do. No rule on Grand Project says we can not buy lottery tickets if the owner of 24/7 was selling them for €4657.70 each when the store was set on low price. Nowhere is saying the rule that I can not buy lottery tickets and earn money in them because statistically a person can even lose money and not win every time so there is no logic we got blacklisted only because of ''gambling'' with our money. I think it is not fair. I was an active player and never had problems or did problems to anyone. I think that you should check the situation because it is not my fault that the price of the ticket is €4657.70 in the 24/7. This is the fault of the scripter or not a fault maybe the scripter wanted to change the script so the lottery ticket is cheaper. I would like to come back to play with people because this is my favorite game and I am prepared to donate even more to this project and never did something bad to our community. I think I am speaking for everyone who got banned for this situation and we all hope to come back. Thanks for understanding. I hope you resolve this to be fair for everyone. I think even if this is a bug abuse we do not deserve a blacklist but only 60 days ban. I hope u understand our situation it is not an easy situation for us to explain. I am 36 years old and this game is a relaxing factor for me after my job and never had thoughts of harming our community or the economy of the server. You can wipe my money if this is the solution to the situation. Good luck and have a nice day.

Doc Brown

Mujo Simba

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
May 8, 2021
Locked for curator of project

Mujo Simba

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
May 8, 2021
Dobili ste unban uz brisanje novca i jedne kuce
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