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Sankalp Senpai

Blacklisted EN3
Mar 23, 2023

1. Your name IRL: Sankalp Shukla

2. Your age: 17
3. Time zone: +5:30 GMT
4. Average online per day: 5-7 Hours
5. Your Discord: senpaichilll
6. Your Nickname: Senpai

7. Your ID: 26658

Additional information

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande.
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization?

- Unique Character Development: Becoming a leader of this specific organization offers an unparalleled opportunity for my character's growth and development. The challenges and responsibilities that come with leadership will push my character's limits, allowing them to evolve in unexpected ways. This journey of personal transformation adds depth and intrigue to the roleplay experience, making it a compelling reason to pursue leadership.
- Unleashing Untapped Potential: By taking the reins of this organization, I believe I can unlock its untapped potential. With my unique perspective, strategic thinking, and creative problem-solving abilities, I can inspire my fellow roleplayers to reach new heights. Together, we can uncover hidden resources, develop innovative strategies, and embark on exciting quests that no one else has dared to undertake. As a leader, I aim to unlock a world of untapped possibilities.
- Crafting a Legacy: Leading this organization presents an opportunity to leave an indelible mark on the game's history and lore. I aspire to create a legacy that future generations of roleplayers will look upon with awe and admiration. Through my leadership, I intend to forge alliances, conquer formidable foes, and achieve great feats that will be remembered and celebrated long after my character's time in the game. Crafting a unique and enduring legacy is a driving force behind my desire to become a leader in this organization.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.
- To improve the roleplay level in the organization, encourage players to embrace improvisation and think on their feet. Create opportunities for spontaneous character interactions, unexpected plot twists, and unplanned encounters. By embracing the element of surprise and encouraging players to adapt their responses in real-time, the roleplay experience becomes dynamic, engaging, and full of exciting possibilities. This approach fosters creativity, quick thinking, and encourages players to fully immerse themselves in their characters, leading to a higher level of roleplay enjoyment for everyone involved.



Ace Galante

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 17, 2021
Make an application in your own words, not from ChatGPT.
Reapply in the future.​
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