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Aca Punter
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Mujo Simba
May 6, 2024

Aca Punter

Sep 16, 2023
Zdravo Mujo i ostali, pre svega zelim da se izvnim za ono sto sam uradio da bi dobio blacklistu, smatram da nisam kriv a i ako jesam ja se izvinjavam zbog toga, da objasnim razlog blackliste u prodavnici su bili tiketi lutrije ja sam to kupio i nisam znao da je bio bug u skripti niko mi nije reko a i nisam znao, umesto da su $10.000 one su bile $5.000 i ja sam ih kupovao vise komada tih lutrija, nisam znao da je bio bug u skripti i jako mi je zao zbog toga sto sam dobio blacklistu provodim svaki dan po ceo dan na projektu 7+ sati sam dnevno tu i propao bi mi sav trud na projektu zato bih zeleo da se izvinim i da kazem da mi je jako zao sto sam to uradio ali smatram da ja nisam kriv zato sto nisam znao da je to bio bug, zeleo bih da se vratim na projekat da nastavim roleplay s svojim prijateljima tako da se nadam da prihvatate moje izvinjenje i nece se vise ponoviti nadam se da ce biti sve okej izvinjavam se jos jednom, pisem ovu zalbu opet, hvala vam unapred pozdrav.

Translate to English:
Hello Mujo and the others, first of all I want to apologize for what I did to get blacklisted, I believe that I am not guilty and even if I am, I apologize for that, to explain the reason for the blacklist, there were lottery tickets in the store, I bought them and I didn't knew there was a bug in the script, no one told me and I didn't know, instead of $10,000 they were $5,000 and I bought more pieces of those lotteries, I didn't know there was a bug in the script and I'm very sorry that I I got blacklisted, I spend all day every day on the project, I'm there 7+ hours a day and all my efforts on the project would be wasted, so I would like to apologize and say that I'm very sorry for what I did, but I think that I'm not to blame because I didn't know it was a bug, I would like to return to the project to continue roleplay with my friends so I hope you accept my apology and it won't happen again I hope everything will be okay I apologize once again I am writing this complaint again , thank you in advance greetings.

Sincerely, Aca Punter.
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