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Moon Zodiac

Not a Fighter
Jun 26, 2023

1. Your name IRL : Afnan Hossain
2. Your age: 18+
3. Time zone : GMT + 6 [ BST ]
4. Average online per day : 6-8 Hours

5. Your Discord : moonsenpai.rp
6. Your Nickname : Moon Zodiac
7. Your ID : 7061

Additional information

1. Leader of
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

#1 My RP Life started as gang member . i was doing many mistakes at first , but the high command and deputies help me to learn all the basic things . i have most experience in gang . i want to help this gang to be the best around the city again . families have many great leaders till now , and i wanna be one of them .

#2 i want to be leader of families because i have experience of highcommand,deputy and under deputy and as a member as well , i have face every situation in ranks and events . so it will be great if i get a chance to become a leader and make a friendly and professional area for my fellow gang members.

#3 I will make this gang on top by doing all kinds of event there will be 100% graffiti from my side and ghetto will be active . families gang members will be feared by the legal and illegal orgs

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

# 1 Choosing deputy and high command wisely , cause they are the main figure of the gang management . they will help learning rules and help in other works as well

#2 Giving Bonus in every event possible !

#3 Having Professional Turfers and graffitist in the team

#4 Attending all the events !

# 5 Weekly Meeting with Every gang members !

My Term Aims

#1 Finishing My Term Without any warning

#2 100% Turf

#3 Per Hour Maximum Graffiti Bonus

#4 Attending All Events & Do all the global events

#5 Largest Gang Possible

My Experience

Ballas Deputy x2
Marabunta Deputy x2

Ballas Under Deputy x3
Families Under Deputy x2

All Gang HC
All Legal Orgs Under Deputy

Thanks For Reading


Ace Galante

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 17, 2021
Be more active on the server and apply again in the future.
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