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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
Players nickname
Taco Smoke
Administrators nickname
Emad Pluxury
May 8, 2024


May 3, 2024
Respected Administrator Team,

I had an administrator interview taken on 8th of May, 2024 which I also had passed as informed by Emad and Hassan. However, after a brief discussion, Emad returned back to the call and did a quick Discord DMs Check where he checked my chat with one of the players who he said was evading ban. Now i do understand that due to the language barrier, there was a circumstance where it felt like i was helping them evade ban but i never did that. Infact if you check my Ticket History i have always been very honest and reported all the players who broke rules irrespective of their relation with me.

I have been in this server for almost 2 years and from the moment i joined, it was my dream to become an admin as i was fascinated by the level of Roleplay that happened here and the amazing Administrator team who ALWAYS helped new people out. That is actually one of the main reasons why i wanted to be an admin which was to help out people in need.

So i request you to consider my plea and reconsider my Blacklist as it was a pure language barrier and misunderstanding about something i was completely unaware of and i have nothing against Emad or Hassan as both have really helped me out a lot in my journey here in GRP time to time. I said it then, i will say it now, i am always ready for a PC Check whenever you want. But please understand this was a dream and my love towards the server.

Thank You for everything and request you to please reconsider the Blacklist. GRP ON TOP.

P.S: This was discussed over Discord VC so proofs wont be applicable i believe.

Ironic Uchiha

13 X Deputy, 6 X State, 7 X Gang
Jul 28, 2023
Aren’t you the same person who abused grp about promoting favouritism on vc and also deceived admins. Your main acc is perma banned and you applied for admin from ur twink. You are clearly ban evading so stop your futile attempts of deceiving admins.

Vansh Gujar

May 12, 2024
Aren’t you the same person who abused grp about promoting favouritism on vc and also deceived admins. Your main acc is perma banned and you applied for admin from ur twink. You are clearly ban evading so stop your futile attempts of deceiving admins.
Once a Traitor forever traitor.. betrayal by blood never changed..xd
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