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Approved Unban Appeal Bugabuse Lottery 39813 I @Mazhor

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Elon Rust

Aug 17, 2022
Your ID: 39813
Admin who sanctioned you: Sascha Luve
What sanction did you get, what was the penalty? 60 days Bugabuse
Proof: Proof

How did the situation come about and what happened?
Dear Mazhor. My account was banned because of the lottery ticket bug abuse. I didn't know it was a bug and i didnt know it was against the server rules because it wasn't in the server announcement. At the beginning I thought that the lottery tickets only cost 5000 because of the new update. That's why I thought I'd get some lottery tickets since they're cheaper. Thats why i opened the Tickets, because it was the only affordaple way to maybe get the Pegassi Diablo. But after two days I was told that it was illegal and that I shouldn't buy any more Tickets. At this Point i immediately stoped buying these Tickets. However it was already too late and I was banned 3 Days ago on the 7th May, 2024. I am really sorry and i apologize for my mistake.
I really hope you will give me a second chance to be in the server.

Thank you for considering my request and I hope to get a second chance.

Best reguards Matsi Schwalek:)
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