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Reviewed The Great Exchange!

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USER 84051

Event Name: The Great Exchange!
Event Organizer | ID: 27172
ORGs / Gangs / Unoff families involved: Gangs and state only
Event Location: (Will Discuss)
Date/hour: (Will Discuss)

Event Backstory:-
Event starts by showing us the increased crime rate of the state leading to severe issues within the state and economy due to all this but the news have come that legal orgs have captured one of the most important person of , the higher ups of state (Leader of LSPD/SAHP/FIB/NG) decided to conduct a meeting somewhere secret and unknown and they would be arriving alone by themselves to ensure privacy and yet here comes the twist as one of the corrupt agent of FIB has got to know about it and leaked it to gangs for a big amount of money and yet for gangs it was a perfect time to play their move and with that not wasting any time they would rush in with all their members and take all the leaders hostage and soon the LI will arrive and a broadcast and an announcement will be made for whole state of San Andreas about this big situation and on the other hand Leo's have to regroup and come up with a plan to tackle this up and the problem will escalate with some Leos trying to nego with them and making sure all are safe and good and afterwards gangs will proceed to demand for the release of their so called important person and yet Leo's thinking about the life of leaders will release and gangs may ask for LI to announce all this spreading fear but along with all at the other side Leo's will be planning how to wipe this out during the negotiation is taking place as afterwards if leos proceed to wipe all of them out after negotiation is over if they successfully wipe out all the gangs and capture their important person again they will manage to make the state safe and good once back again if not the order will be quite the opposite.

- Try to hold the negotiation as smoothly and as long as possible
- Make sure all leaders are safe and good throughout the situation
- Escort back the criminal head on the gang's demand in exchange for their leaders
- After the negotiation/exchange is over escort them to somewhere safer
- Wipe them out with the plan and capture the criminal head safely alive

- Conduct the nego with Leos smoothly and plan out to wipe them after the exchange
- Ask for the exchange of all the state leaders for their criminal head
- After it's over carry out the plan to wipe out all the leos and save their head from Leos wiping them out successfully getting the title of taking over the city

- The objective for the State:- Capture the head alive after the exchange and execute the rest
- The objective for Gangs:- After the exchange wipe out all leos save their head from the exchange and flee away safely

General Rules
- No Rev nor LMG/Sniper/heavy shotgun allowed
- 50 from State/ 50 from crime
- This should be hosted on prime hours of active numbers
- No conflict/argument during the negotiation just to ensure there is no mess

Verbal pass/Warn Pass depending on performance or up to Senior Curator
(If any changes are needed lmk for edit/vc)

Eray Black

Senior Administrator
Mar 6, 2023

The event consists of multiple stages and it is not possible to make
(We cannot force anyone to do RP in a event which everything has already been planned)

If you interested to join Event Planner Team, contact me via discord​
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