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Rejected Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol | Onur Credo

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onurr erdemler

Jul 17, 2023
  • Name: Onur
  • OOC Age: 28
  • IC Age: 31
  • Time zone: GMT +4
  • Average online per day: 4-6 hours a day
  • Discord: vizontele
  • IC Name: Onur Credo
  • ID: 295121
1. Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP)

2. Why do you want to be leader of this specific Organization? (List at least three reasons with an explanation)

2.1- SAHP is the first organization of me which is makes me feeling i am home. When i came to the city at the first time, I joined SAHP a week later. I learned everything about this server in there. This place gave me everything all i have in the city. I had a good friends who started with me, and had to chance to gain experience from my High Commands which i still talk to them. If i have a questions, i still ask to them and same, if they a questions they ask me about what i am good at. I started from Traniee, and reached up to Chief in 4-5 months. Which means I spent 70% of my time in server in SAHP. But I left a bit time ago there and now it is time to go back to make SAHP on top again.

2.2- I have been in many legal organisations such as LSPD, FIB, EMS and SAHP of course. So I gained experience about the orgs that I have been. I have also been in High Command positions in SAHP and LSPD. So I have learned that how to lead and how to communicate with other legal orgs. So i am going to make sure that we, as a all L.E.O. Organizations should help each other with the good communicate. If we need their help (I am sure we will) we shall ask them to help us. Same for them, if they need our helps( I am also sure they will) we will be there anytime to help them with anything. The biggest problem is in many orgs is favoritism. I will choose my HC Teams extremely carefully. Favoritism will not be the reason for me to choose high commands. I will choose and place them to the departments which they are in the best. And I will make an individual meeting with them about their departments every week, maybe more if its necessary.

2.3- The second biggest problem for the orgs and especially for SAHP is inactivity. And it became more and more every new term in SAHP. The reason for this is HRT department. And the solution is HRT Department as well. People want to join but they can not find any units to talk or to get an interview. Then they leave and join other orgs naturally. People will not wait for us forever. If any person come to hq and wants to join, I will make sure that at least they will get in the interview. The second alternative is arranging an open recruitment regularly. And they will accept people who are perfectly fit for the legal org and for the SAHP especially. Because we cannot complain about inactivity if our HRT team is not working. But having interview will not be enough. The HRT team has to train them after they let them join. I will make a HRT Camping with experienced HRT Units. They will have to show everything one by one to new trainees.

2.4- Internal Affairs (IA) Department is the key department for the favoritism. If Internal Affairs work well and fair, Favoritism will not be existing in that organisation. As i said on above, I have been in every rank because of my works not because i have friends from high commands team. And also I have seen the people they claimed that no one can touch them even IA, Because of they joined the org with favoritism. I fought with them and showed them that no units is bigger and have more power than IA. So these 2 departments which are HRT and IA is the key departments for the Orgs, especially for SAHP. If you have good and well experienced team for these two, You will not have problem about Inactivity and Favoritism. Which I will have the best Head of HRT and IA if I get the term.

2.5- The biggest prejudice for SAHP that is people are thinking SAHP for the beginnig. I will prove them wrong about this bias. Because most crimes of the whole city are committing in the our jurisdiction. Without SAHP, Citizens of Los Santos will not be feeling safe in highways ever. All gangs and families will rob people as much as stores and gunstores freely without us. We will make them away from this kind of situations with my well experienced team and my Troopers.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

3.1- I will make sure and check every units have good communication with people and they do it according to the rules. They will have to answer all the calls from citizens and will help them no matter what. We as SAHP, have to clean our Highways from criminals and thieves.

3.2- We as the High commands team, will have to make a meeting every week individually and collectively. We need to discuss about what to do to make SAHP better. We need to find any solutions against every problems. And the only thing for doing this is working together respectively , and working coordinated with other orgs.

3.3 - Our HRT Team will have to teach the trainees RP Commands as well. They will have to know the differences between every kind of commands. Using this wrongly will get them punishment.

4. Departments.

4.1- Human Resources (HR): This department will have to have well experienced and patient units.They will answer the citizens calls for joining and train them carefully after join.They will aslo have to make open recruitment regularly to not let the org have ow number. This is the first key department for the SAHP as I mention above.

4.2: Internal Affairs (IA): This department is the second key department for fighting favoritism. I will make sure that no one not even the top HC will have the power against the Internal Affairs. Also giving randomly rank to any officer will be prohibited in my term. Internal Affairs will check all High Commands if they give rank randomly or not. And I by myself will check the Every units on IA if they o their job right or no.

4.3- Special Weapons and Tactics (S.W.A.T.): SWAT Team has to have plan for always and for the every expected or unexpected situations. I have very well experienced SWAT team in my term which has knowledge and have confidince of themselves. They will have 3 teams which Alpha, Charlie and Bravo. And every team must be well tranied and knows what to do in every situations. I will arrange training for them with NG in NG base about hostage situations and store robberies etc.

4.4- UnderCover (UC) : This is the my main department. I spend all my time in this department in the orgs that i have been. So that is why, I will check this department more than others to make sure they are getting evidences from gangs and families to help FIB with their cases. The Undercover Department of SAHP were not working very well before. But it wont be that in my term. Because as i mention above, UC department is my main department so i will be very carefull on this department. Also they will hunt the criminals who wanted by the state and looking to destroy the cannabies in the city.

4.5- Highway Patrol (HWP): Every time, at least one tow truck will have to on the highways to tow abandoned cars and the cars was parked illegal. Also they will be patrolling on highways every time to keep safe it from criminal activities. In case of much activity, They will patrol on highways in convoy. To show criminals that we always exist on our high ways. Also we will be arranging Checkpoint control. We will make sure people who leave city to highways will not have any intention to commit criminal activity. Our duty is also keep clean highways from these kind of activities.

4.6 - Public Relations (PR): This department have to host events and competitions for our citizens in the city to make them and themselves happy and fulled with fun. Also we will have good prizes for the winners. So people will have interesting about the events that we will arrange.

5. My Experiences.

- Chief of UC (SAHP)
- Chief of S.W.A.T (SAHP)
- Deputy Chief of UC (SAHP)
- Captain of UC (SAHP)
- Commander of CID (LSPD)
- Captain of IB (LSPD)
- Lieutenant of IB (LSPD)
- Black Ops 3 (FIB)

Thanks and much appreciate for your time. Let's make SAHP top Again
I am wishing all my best to all candidates. Whoever wins, The SAHP will win.

Onur Credo - Candidate for Sheriff.

Chain of Command:
30. Sheriff
29. Undersheriff
28. Assistant Sheriff
27. Chief of Staff
26. Chief
25. Deputy Chief
24. District Attorney
23. U.S. Marshall
22. Captain
⬆️High Command⬆️
21. Lieutenant
20. Supervisor
18. Master Sergeant
17. Senior Sergeant
16. Sergeant
15. Senior Corporal
14. Corporal
13. Lance Corporal
12. Master Trooper 3
11. Master Trooper 2
10. Master Trooper 1
09. Senior Trooper 3
08. Senior Trooper 2
07. Senior Trooper 1
06. Trooper 3
05. Trooper 2
04. Trooper 1
03. Probie
02. Trainee
01. Suspended
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