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Syndra Poldeclappa

May 23, 2024
1. Your name IRL: Emre
2. Your age: 18
3. Time zone: GMT+2
4. Average online per day: 3-7 Hours
5. Your Discord: emra9xz
6. Your Nickname: Syndra Poldeclappa
7. Your ID: 0

1. Leader of Ballas

2. I want to be leader of Ballas because I was previously deputy of Ballas and successfully completed my 30 day successfully. I have all the knowledge required to be a great leader. I have multiple strong families that will supply me with members. I have several tactics in mind that will keep the ghetto active 24/7. I will also host events for all orgs and make sure that my members attend every event. I will also teach my members how to rp properly in the ghetto so that everyone has fun proper rp experience. I will also add a squad system in my gang that will help all the new recruits learn the rules.

The squad system.

The squad system is a system where you have lets say 4 recruiters that are trained by the leader they have learned all the rules they know how to properly rp go to events and have rp interactions all throughout the city not just the ghetto.

The 4 recruiters will recruit new members into the org and teach them how to maneuver and make money around the city and properly rp and learn all the rules of the server not just the ghetto. The recruiters will be following around the members for a full 2 weeks depending on the members learning speed. once the member is ready they will be ranked up to a runner and go enjoy the city.

The benefits of this system is that it is very very new player friendly and it helps the new players fully understand and grasp the rules which limits them from getting warnings and the gang from receiving strikes. ANOTHER important benefit of this system is that these squads will go around the ghetto together making the ghetto super active.

Trade of illegal goods (custom event)

This is an event that I came up with which is based off an event the admins once did in EN1. Two gangs and their leaders meet in a disclosed location to sort out a deal between their gangs for drugs or control over sprays or just a cease fire. The state orgs such as LSPD and FIB are given a tip by a rat amongst the gangs they now know the location of the meet up and go in to bust it.

The winners of the huge battle if its the gangs get to take the state officials hostage for ransom from the government and they sort out a deal with the other gang to split cash and make peace in the ghetto. if its the legal orgs they can take both org leaders captive making a strong presence within the city and while the gang org leaders are behind bars they can attack the gang HQs and do a clean wipe of their warehouse and put more members behind bars.
Overall this event would be super fun and full of rp and end in a amazing battle.

3. To be honest it all starts with the org leaders in my opinion. If the orgs have strong active org leaders that engage and teach the members how to level up in the city make connections properly rp and grind the city more rp interactions occur between players that make it fun. For example when I use to be a higher up in RU1 I use to train all my members in my squad one of those members was Peter Bolo the leader of the Zenith Inc. he went on to become the leader of a top 10 family after his time training under me he also became a higher up within families.

Over all my experience in grand Rp is boundless I have been on the server for more then a year now and I have always been in gangs and lead gangs and created great rp within the server and helped many many other players get a better grasp within the server and enjoy it. I say my experience is boundless because I am a 38K ID in server 1 I have been a deputy in many gang orgs and I have helped leaders finish their 30 day term and get 100% turfs. Also like I stated before I helped many of the new leaders now get to where they are currently.
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