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Rejected National Guard Corrupt Bio I Hassoo Cenazeogluuu I 132890

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Mar 16, 2024
Organization: National Guard
Name: Hassoo Cenazeoğluuu
Gender male Age: 30
Nationality: Chechen
Birthplace: Los Santos
Gender male
Eye color brown
Hair color is black
Tattoos: right arm, left-right leg, torso, chest
Strengths: Very good at analyzing situations. He is a cold-blooded personality and flies very well. He's having a hard time giving up.
Stubborn Weakness: He trusts other people he meets very quickly. Stubborn. Emotional

Life Story: 100+ Words
Hassoo continued to earn his living by working many jobs in the remote towns of Lossantos, where he lived with his family. After studying in high schools and achieving success, he could not bear the meager salaries and became involved in illegal activities. He was involved in many gang activities such as robbing people and stealing, but he quickly realized his mistake, recanted his mistake and was punished by the state. He chose to become a civil servant and is currently living as a protection officer in NG and trying to make a living. He catches criminals and brings them to justice. He aims to get married after saving some money.

Career Story: 100+ Words
Hassoo Cenazeoğluuu started his career with illegal activities and cleared himself and his name at the first opportunity. Even on his first day of duty, he assumed a very prestigious position and completed his duty with the rank of First Lieutenant. Hassoo, who devoted his life to being a statesman, gained sufficient knowledge and worked on behalf of the state, and the state gave him his current rank of colonel. Hassoo is not satisfied with this rank, he serves to elevate himself and work for the state until his last breath. He continues to engrain himself in the role of honor being superior to life and making all kinds of sacrifices for his country.


1-Hassoo can take bribes (up to 100 thousand)
2-Hassoo may carry, use, sell and purchase illegal items from others or on the black market (except organization weapons and items) (While off duty, of course)
3-Hassoo can hide his identity and engage in all kinds of illegal activities (result similar to 2 when off duty)
4- Hassoo may use illegal substances such as drugs/illegal weapons on and off duty.
5-Hassoo can release 10-15 ammunition or weapons dropped by criminals. (not in active armed conflict)
6- Hassoo may refuse to show his identity or refuse to provide a lawyer to 10-15.
7- The statue can smash and destroy body cameras if found (by providing appropriate rp and using /try commands).
8- Hassoo can be taken hostage for a maximum of 100 thousand bribes due to the criminals he encountered during his long service in the National Guard.
9- Hassoo can sell information to family or gang members
10.Hassoo always carries organization weapons to be able to respond to calls and incidents such as store robberies (will not store them anywhere such as personal WH or car trunks)
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