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Rambo Flex

Jun 30, 2022
Family Name - FLEX
Family Owner - Rambo Flex | 140591
Family House Number - 475
Family Discord Owner - ramboflex.5307
Family Leader Forum ID - Rambo Flex

Family Backstory:
Rambo Flex and his friends spent time in the big families of the city. Bored with this situation, Rambo and his friends decided to start a new family.
Rambo, who sets out on this journey in Los Santos, swears that he will start a new family here and become the king of the city. "My Lord is my witness, I have only one
We are bound not only by blood, but by a shared vision of a brighter future.
The competition was great, everyone wanted to grab a tastier piece, so it was decided to create an unofficial family.

They make new friends, start laying the foundations of some things here, and come together with their new friends under the name FLEX.
The only goal of this family in Los Santos is to upset other families and win all the events.
This family, which believes that it can do this, is already ready to enter this journey.

Family Goal:
-Dominate all family and territory wars.
-To achieve a prominent position in Los Santos we will buy family businesses.
-To have well known members in different organizations.
-To be feared but also respected.
-Being respectful towards other families.

Family Rules:
1) You have to accept all the server rules.
2) Always be nice and do not harrest or sexual harrest people. Specially womans.
3) You have to respect all the players and admins.
4) You cant do racisim in rp and non rp situtaion.
5) Always be a nice player and dont harrest anyone
6) Try to have some fun and let the all players too !

Newbie : Basic family member.
1) Newbie: The entry level position in the family, these members are still in training and learning about the family's operations.
2) Rookie: These members have shown their dedication and loyalty to the family and have started to take on some tasks and responsibilities.
3) Mafia: These members have earned the trust of the family and have proven their skills in various criminal activities.
4) Specialist: These members have specialized skills in certain areas, such as driving or hacking, and are highly valued for their expertise.
5) Turfer: These members are responsible for managing and defending the family's turf in the city, and ensuring that rival gangs do not encroach on their territory.
6) Event Leader: These members are in charge of organizing and leading family events, such as heists or raids.
7) Deputy: These members serve as right-hand men to higher-ranking members, and assist in making important decisions for the family.
8) Underboss: These members are trusted advisors to the Boss, and help to manage the day-to-day operations of the family.
9) Old: These members have served the family for many years and have proven their loyalty and dedication over time.
10) Boss: The leader of the family, responsible for making all final decisions and ensuring that the family's operations run smoothly.

Family Logo:

Family Outfit:
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