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Kira Hill

Jan 7, 2023
1. Mohamed Achraf
2. 21
3. GMT+1
4. 4-6h
5. lookbackatit10
6. Kira Hill
7. 262020

Additional information
1. Leader of Federal Investigation Bureau
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation):

First and foremost I have a good experience in almost all state organisations, I loved working as a LEO since my first steps in, it just felt special for me for some reason, I deeply admired and respected FIB and its agents, I have worked and got high command position in all of them, while having a good amount of experience.

I think its a perfect time for me to apply for leadership and especially, FIB, since I have worked there for a lot of time, handling every department, mostly focusing on Spec Ops, Internal Affairs and Undercover.

I have the will to lead this organisation to perfection and greatness, I am a guy who loves winning and loves to either lead perfectly or to not try at all, Im totally ready and im about to do my 100% to make the organisation work at its fullest while having best of the best as my team, HCs and agents.

I have a good knowledge of events, how to lead perfectly, how to avoid breaking rules, and how to win. FIB has a great potential and great options to be the best org in the city, so I will use that as my advantage and benefit from it to make it strive for the best.

While being a leader, we are going to improve how FIB works and improve the technical side of it, and work on making new strategies when it comes to events since we have all the capabilities and the needs.
Past Experiences in LEOs:
FIB CoS x2
00 Agent x2
NG Lt-General
SAHP US marshal x2
LSPD Captain

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

My first advice on how to improve the Roleplay in FIB, is firstly to have an objectives chart, it will happen weekly, each and every department will have its own objectives to work on during the week, Undercover will be entitled to gather no less than 80 evidences per week, doing black market busts every 2 days, while doing black market raid every day and ensuring that drugs and illegal goods are being limited in the market. SAU will have a a big bonuses and a freedom to act on its own under the HOD and CoS, having their own tactics when it comes to raids and special missions, they will be entitled to winning 8/10 events per week. Spec Ops will get on hunting cannabis and finding new ghetto patrol locations while clearing the city from the most wanted criminals. Bounty hunting system will be back with huge bonuses.

We will work on having a great team for the Human Resource and Training department, to ensure everyone in the city gets a fair chance on joining the org, also it will impact on how agents behave and work inside the organisation, with the help of IA of course. the RP outside of the org will be hugely impacted if the agents were trained well.

My 2 deputies and half of my rank 28 will have different time zones to ensure the org working on its fullest at all times and overseeing everything.

We will work to getting close to every legal organizations and having them on the same picture, we will establish new interogation system, new meetings in FIB building, new Joint-Missions, We will work on having a meeting with EMS and having a staff on pre-missions to assist with medical shots.

Thanks for reading my application <3
Kira Hill
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