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Approved HURMACI FAMILY | Unofficial Ogranization

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Zindan Hurmaci

Leader of unofficial org
Dec 6, 2021
Family Owner- Zindan Hurmaci
ID- 39775
Family House No- 484
Family Owner Discord Id - cyberrulz

Family Owner Forum link - Muhsin Hurmaci

1. Insulting other families or family and religious values within the family is prohibited.
2. Everyone in the family will be supported
3. Everyone will be respected
4.Ranks will be increased/decreased based on staying in the game and supporting the family
5. We will attend events

It is a tribe established and growing in Diyarbakır. Their tribes are so large and powerful that they are the most well-known, respected and unrivaled tribe in Turkey. Hurmacı tribe, which owns the entire mafia, drug, black money and weapons smuggling network in Turkey, wanted to expand its business in Turkey and make its name known in many cities such as Los Santos. After these requests, they gathered the tribe and traveled to many countries and established an overwhelming superiority over the families, barons, mafia and gangsters in every city they visited. Almost all of their goals would come true, but they did not take their steps to only 1 more city, Los Santos. Muhsin Hurmaci gathered his tribe to realize this dream and came to Los Santos and will continue to show his overwhelming superiority here.

Rank System Of family
ŞAH - Leader of the family
VEZİR - The most competent person in the family when Aga has work or is busy.
KALE - The person who leads the wars and activities in the family
FİL - The most trusted Hurmaci family member in any conflict, robbery or similar situations.
LEVEL 2 PİYON - The person who has been in the family for a long time and is trusted.
PİYON - Everyone in the family


1. To be the biggest and most successful family
2. Beating everyone in events and robberies
3. Managing all drug and gun trafficking in Los Santos.
4. Having all the family business (düzenlendi)

Family Clothes

Family Logo

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