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Hassan Valencia

Feb 28, 2024

1. Your Name IRL - Hassan

2. Your Age IRL - 16

3. Time Zone - GMT +5.30

4. Average Online Per Day - 6-9 Hours

5. Your Discord ID - HassanKnight

6. Your Nickname - Hassan Valencia

7. Your ID - 56479

Additional Information -

1. Leader of Ballas

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organisation?

After a lengthy tenure with the Ballas gang, serving in various roles including deputy and leader multiple times, I'm driven to reclaim the helm of this organization. The rich history and legacy of the Ballas compel me to step up once more.

I, along with my trusted inner circle, bring a wealth of experience and dedication to the table. Our aim is to elevate the quality of roleplay while revitalizing the Ballas into the dominant force they once were, setting a new standard for the city.

In essence, I seek the opportunity to lead the Ballas gang, leveraging my extensive experience to ensure efficiency, cohesion, and success. Above all, I'm committed to creating an environment where everyone thrives and enjoys their time within the organization.

3. Your advise to improveing to roleplay level in the organization

My plan is to bring the hood back to life, with all the gang events buzzing again. We want some real competition to get everyone involved and enjoying themselves.

We're also aiming to kick out any negativity and show everyone how to roleplay like pros. We want the Ballas to be the gold standard for quality roleplay.

And we're not stopping there. We're gonna set up some awesome events and scenarios with other crews, making the whole experience even more epic and immersive.
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