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Approved Leader Rule 1.9 | LifeInvader | Ahoy, Me Hearties! | 04.06.2024

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Tommy Gold

May 15, 2022
Date and time of the event:
04.06.2024 @ 18:00 onwards

The organization that is conducting the event:

The event scenario Must be detailed and include the whole event:
Pirates have made landfall in Los Santos and the LifeInvader News Team has found out why! With Government out of operation and no FIB or LSPD to watch over the city, the pirates have arrived with one goal, to add to their treasure trove by pillaging the state Encashment. They've joined forces with the city's criminal gangs to raid the Capitol at its weakest and steal from the safe. It’s now upto the remaining LEOs and LifeInvader's protection team to defend the Capitol and send these seafaring swashbucklers back from where they came. If the gangs manage to eliminate all LEOs and reach the safe location, they win. However, if the LEOs succeed in taking down all gang members, they claim victory. The prize will be split among the survivors of the winning side

Why this event:

For the gangs, it’s a chance to show their coordination and combat abilities. The event tests their ability to adapt to an intense situation in a small space unlike many of their usual events. For the LEOs and LifeInvader’s protection team, the event tests their teamwork and resilience under pressure, especially when state is currently bare bones

Role of Each Organization Involved:
☣︎ Crime - 3 IDs from each active gang
⚖︎ State - 4 from SAHP, EMS and LI (if a leader for FIB, LSPD or GOV is found by the time of my global, we can do 3 from each state)
With other state orgs disbanded, will need 4 from each state to balance it out

Other organizations involved:
All active organisations can participate

Vehicles/weapons needed:
Carbines + ammo for all participants

Admin Requirements:

▸ TP everyone to their relevant positions
▸ Spawn all required weapons
▸ Make necessary announcements in the left eye
▸ Finish downed participants
▸ Ensure the event runs smoothly

Rules of the event:
▸ No patching anyone up
▸ Healing with medkits or steaks is allowed
▸ Cannot leave outlined perimeter when engaged in gunfight

How is the event won?
If the gangs manage to eliminate all LEOs and reach the safe location, they win. However, if the LEOs succeed in taking down all gang members, they claim victory. The prize will be split among the survivors of the winning side

Prize for the winner:
$200.000 - $500.000 split between survivors excluding LI employees as they will be bonused internally
(dependant on my budget that day and how many survivors there are)

Screenshots of the venue:


Map Location of the venue:

Tommy Gold

May 15, 2022

Thank you Jessica for your time in reviewing!, and Peren and Luke for helping! ❤️
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