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Rich Gujjer

Dec 23, 2022
Family Name: Rich Brothers
House: 756
Family Owner Name: Rich Gujjar | 43201
Family Owner Forum Profile: Alibhi121
Family Owner Discord: rich.121

Family Goals:
Be in the top 1
2. Become richest family in the city
3. Become the most respected family in the city
4. Become the most powerful family in the city

Family Past story:
When Rich Gujjar first arrived in Los Santos, he was destitute and had no money. He began working and eventually entered the corporate world, but he was dissatisfied with the pay. After meeting a few friends named Rich Mafia, Rich Hugo, Cyclops Star, and Usman Ansari. Started engaging in unlawful activities. He began selling drugs, cocaine, and weapons. They began making money and lived an interesting life. Now Rich Gujjar considered starting a family. His friends all feel like brothers to him, so he named his family Rich Brothers. Rich Gujjar has decided that anyone who wrongs him or his family members will face punishment.

Family rules:
Respect Every Family member
2. Every member should listen to high command.
3. Everyone must obey the city rules
4. Everyone should attend the family event.
5. It is mandatory to wear family dress in event.
6. No Toxicity

Family Rankings:
  1. Newbie : The Person has recently joined our family and will assist and learn about city and family rules.
  2. Young Guns : He is new, yet he understands certain city rules.
  3. Hustler : The person who will assist with the event.
  4. Gangster : Members who are friendly and experienced in planning.
  5. Turfer : The best shooter in the family, ready to attend any event at any moment.
  6. Business Man : Members who manage family businesses.
  7. Under deputy : The High Command who are the most trustworthy and lead the family in their absence.
  8. Deputy : People that assisted the founders in growing their family.
  9. Leader : Who created the family and are willing to do anything for it.
  10. Founder : One of the founders will be in charge of holding the family (in-game) and leading.

    Family Logo

    Family Dress


Del Federal

🎃 Hello Am I Audible !!
Senior Administrator
Dec 19, 2022
Unofficial Org Bio Rejected

Leader's Punishment History is not Good

Reapply after 7 days
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