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Rejected Request for unbanning from Server DE/banned by Johnson Baron

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Meiki Torst

May 30, 2024
Dear Admin Team,


In-game name: Meiki Torst

Why were you bannd
I purchased multiple lottery tickets at a 24/7 shop and opened them

How long were you banned for?
I was bannedr 9999 days/permanently

How long is your punishment reaining?
Still 9966

Why should we unban you?

Dear Server Team,

I hereby ask for an unban. It was stupid and wrong of me to buy the lottery tickets and open them. I didn't realize that day that I would get problems if I opened and/or bought the lottery tickets. I didn't know that day that it wasn't allowed to buy the lottery tickets for $5,000 instead of $10,000. I assumed that it came intentionally with the new update because the 24/7 setting was low. My intention when opening the lottery tickets wasn't the money. I really wanted to have the cars. Unfortunately, I only saw the news that you shouldn't open the lottery tickets anymore and buy them afterwards. Otherwise I rarely noticed anything bad. Through my tuning meetings I also bring a lot of fun and joy into the game. Admins and players can also confirm this.

I kindly request a review of my case and hope for a second chance to contribute to the community and continue playing on the server.

Thank you for your attention and your time.

Meiki Torst

Johnson Baron

GrandRP DE02
Deputy Chief Administrator
Dec 24, 2021
Hallo Meiki,

dein Antrag wird hiermit aus folgendem Grund abgelehnt:

Da die Projektleitung (Curator of the Project aka Mazhor) darüber entscheiden wird, wer bei diesem speziellen Thema Kulanz bekommt, bitte ich dich diesen Antrag als Adminbeschwerde zu erstellen. Nur dort ist die Verwendung des richtigen Prefixes möglich.
Achte hierbei UNBEDINGT darauf, den "Curator of the Project"-Prefix (rot) zu wählen und deinen Text vorher durch einen Übersetzer ins Englische übersetzen zu lassen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Johnson Baron
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