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Rubik Royal

Apr 1, 2023
Organization: LSPD

Name: Rubik Emperor
Gender: Male
Age: 37
Nationality: Los Santos
Place of Birth: Sandy shores
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black
Tattoos: non
Strengths: good driving, good communication
Weakness: Difficulty in balancing criminal and legal life.
Life Story:

Rubik grew up in Sandy Shores, enjoying a life of privilege thanks to his father's shady dealings and cozy relationship with the local police. However, tragedy struck at 24 when both his parents died in a car accident, leaving him with nothing. Determined to start fresh, he tried finding work in Paleto Bay without success. Then, an opportunity arose in Los Santos, and he seized it. With his inheritance, he ventured to the bustling city and landed a job on a major construction project. Over the years, he excelled in his role, but eventually felt the itch for change. Leaving behind his construction job, Rubik set out to explore new paths in the vibrant city, eager to see where life would take him next.

Career Story:

After leaving his construction job, Rubik's life took an unexpected turn when he was approached by Chief Maverick of the LSPD, who offered him a spot in the police academy. Thanks to their previous interactions, Rubik was given this chance to make a difference. He eagerly joined the academy, working hard to climb the ranks. His dedication paid off, earning him the respect of Chief Maverick and eventually the position of Supervisor. However, a new chief came in three months later, prompting Rubik to seek fresh opportunities. Under Chief Maverick's leadership, he found a new home in the LSPD, where he currently serves as Supervisor, continuing to make a positive impact on the city.

1- Rubik can kidnap, rob or kill in secluded areas (Following gen 6.16)
2- Rubik can lie to suspects about calling a lawyer and still can process them without showing ID or passport.
3- Rubik can carry an ID and a portable radio off duty.
4- Rubik can use truth serum on suspects to gain evidence( 2 times only per situation)
5- Rubik can use the weapons with serial number XXX and enter black market to buy/sell illegal weapons and items.
6- Rubik can take bribes (upto 100k) (Not to be a hostage)
7- Rubik can break anyone's bodycam by /try to find bodycam (Twice per situation) and /do destroy it.
8- If Rubik catches a word of an inspection he can flee.
9- Rubik can plant illegal items as evidence on people and arrest them.
10- Rubik can refuse to show bodycam or any sort of identification to anyone.
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