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Vitto Opps

Apr 22, 2022
1. Are you 18 or older (age OOC): Yes/No: Yes
2. Time zone: Central Standard Time
3. Daily time active on the server (XX:XX AM - XX:XX PM): 1:00am - 7am
4. Average online per week (hours): 20+
5. Your Discord ID: vitto33
6. Your characters' name (IC): Vitto Oppz
7. Your ingame ID (Main and twink): 33 & 307405
8. Your ingame level: 50
9. Prefered curator of (State or Crime): Crime
10: Languages spoken: English and Spanish

Additional information

1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life? I've been in the city for such a long time now that i feel like I've done everything I've wanted to do. I've been a cop in multiple different departments and a gang member. i want to now give back to the community and i think becoming an admin is a step in the right direction towards achieving that goal. This will be my second attempt at becoming an admin and since i first joined this city when it first launched i had always had the goal of becoming an admin and i believe i am now ready to leave the RP life and give back by helping to the best of my abilities.
2. What positions have you held in the city? (Crime/State/Leader of Unofficial) I've held both Crime and State positions
3. What are your strengths? I'm a very quick learner and i consider to have really good people skills
4. What are your weaknesses? I'm very forgetful about small details i need to be reminded about certain things when doing too many things at once.
5. What skills can you bring to the admin team? I speak 2 languages (English and Spanish), I have strong work ethic and like to get things done in a time efficient manner.
6. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin) Yes i would sell any thing but i do not own a business
7. Any IRL issue or situation that is preventing you from being active at the moment? Nothing at the moment
8. Anything else we should take into consideration or we should know for your application? No i think everything that needs to be said has already been said, however if i have anything come up i will make sure to bring it up to the admin team.
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