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Scout | Pluxury

Jan 7, 2024
Organization: SAHP

Name: Scout Verlicee
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Nationality: Pakistani
Place of Birth: Lahore
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Light Brown
Tattoos: N/A
Strengths: Good Informer, good friend, good communicator, good handler
Weakness: Trust Issues

Life Story:
Scout, a cunning and fearless street racer, rose from the gritty streets of Los Santos. Orphaned at a young age, he found solace in the adrenaline of high-speed chases and illegal races. His exceptional driving skills caught the attention of a notorious crime syndicate, propelling him into a life of heists and high-stakes missions. Despite his rough exterior, Scout had a strict code: loyalty to his crew and no innocent casualties. As his reputation grew, so did the dangers, but Scout thrived on the edge, constantly seeking the next thrill in the chaotic underworld of Grand RP.

Career Story:
Scout joined the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) straight out of the academy, driven by a desire to clean up his crime-ridden neighborhood. He quickly rose through the ranks due to his sharp instincts and unwavering dedication. Starting as a beat cop, he tackled street crime head-on, earning commendations for bravery. Promoted to detective, Scout excelled in solving high-profile cases, often going undercover to infiltrate dangerous gangs. His exceptional record and leadership skills led to his appointment as captain, where he now oversees major operations, implementing innovative strategies to keep Los Santos safe and inspiring his team with his relentless commitment to justice.

1- Scout can carry, use, sell, buy illegal item from citizen or black market

2- Scout can put Illegal items in 10-15's or citizens pockets / backpacks to get them arrested -in proper Roleplay reasons

3- Scout can take upto 100k bribe for release 10-15-with rp reason

4- Scout can take illigal items from the 10-15

5- Scout can use illegal weapons to cover his Identity

6- Scout can go into the ghetto when he off-duty - Not in gang HQ

7- Scout can smash and destroy bodycams of civilians / Officers if found (using the /try commands twice per situation)

8- Scout can refuse to provide lawyer for his 10-15

9- Scout can keep 2 truth serums with him. Which can inject using /do injects truth serum

10- Scout can torture someone if they fail to provide him with information.
Thanks For Reading
Warm Regards
{ Scout Verlicee }
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