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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Alpha Katz
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Dexter Broddy
Jun 18, 2024

Alpha Katz

Jul 18, 2022
Hello I am here to apply my appeal for lying to admins and admin disrespect. So the whole story for why this has happen because in the forum request I wanted to ask a question, okay and then the admin Dexter replied with " wdym " so I just left there and didn't say anything. After a few minutes the admin decides to teleport to me and ask me about the question. I told him about " renting " because a family member was muted by Dexter Broddy and unmuted which I will provide proof. Afterwards he left and said something about admin disrespect and I had no clue why he said something like that, but then he actually bans me for that. Let's get this aside I made a forum complaint and asked if the higher-admins could check his recording clip to see where I was disrespectful, and then the Higher-Admin James Pluxury rejected my appeal and said " You are lucky you got only 3 days ban, if you would tell it me you would get not less than 30 days for admin disrespect " and of course Dexter replied with a love emoji. Now this doesn't make any sense because first of all there's no reasoning why was I banned in the first place. So I decided to make another appeal but to the curator of the project to get his side of opinion on this. But the same thing happened James and Dexter both replied but Dexter replied first with " where's your recording clip " which also doesn't make sense because he's the one who banned me and I have no reason to be recording. He also then edited his message and extended my ban for lying to admins, now this is when I was shocked. But I was even more shocked when James Pluxury also replied with " We do not tolerate such things as you told. It is fully disrespect to all admin team. You got forum warn for spam with topics and ban increased to 30 days for lying to admins ". Now this will be my last forum I am not spamming since I have a long-term ban appeal which is for 30 days. I have put all the proof in this description.

James Pluxury

Forum account banned for spam with topics

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