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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury

Rejected Blaclist Appeal l 296152 & 378393 I James Pluxury I For Mazhor Pluxury

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Your ID
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Venom Red
Administrators nickname
Mazhor Pluxury
Jun 13, 2024


FIB Agent-ex-UC&Spec Ops& HRT_ex-SAHP&LSPD&EMS&NG
Sep 18, 2023
My account was stolen .. I had 2FA authenticator security and 20 digit of numbers password security also has 2fa for mail and others...I had automatic auth.. even I took that things for my security....My account has been stolen and someone insulted the Mazhor and other admin's....they punished me for no reason.... I have smart watch which has proof of i was sleeping in that time while my account has been stolen...I have all proofs which i can show and i can do give and pass....I never did insult any admin...I have admin friend which is OOC ... I have all respect your job ....I worked all LEO's but i did not deserve that....Even I never had 1 warn or verbal warn from admins....I never insulted any admins .... Even When I contacted with admins every time i said thank u admin thank u for your service....pls Check my past history of contacting admins.... I have all Respect ...I m 32 years old and I have knowledge of Game and rules.... I took every security of game protection and someone connected my account ... I spent too much money for that game and I spent over than 1000 hours for that game....Like I said that's unfair ban...
This forum is Only for Mazhor's reading ... Please Dear Mazhor Inspect my situation and give your decision...
ONLY for DEAR Mazhor Pluxury....

loves and respects...


FIB Agent-ex-UC&Spec Ops& HRT_ex-SAHP&LSPD&EMS&NG
Sep 18, 2023
Now I have full access to my account .. I took it back ... pls unban me so that i can activate my 2FA security...that was the security breach for my computer ...I am living in GMT +3 so that security breach time was 05:30 am... I was sleeping and i took my medicine for sleeping ... So My Smart watch recorded me while sleeping in that time... I can send that proof...I am accepting that wipe for my account... I am accepting all my fault but never did any insult ... I was OOC sleeping at OOC hospital in that time as i mention that I was in hospital with my dad....some OOC fam healt and surgery issue...as i always told you that I have respect all admin's decisions and even i never had 1 warn or 1 verbal warning from that game these main and twink accounts... I want to wait for Mazhor_Pluxury decision...
lets wait and make it real....
I want to justice for my accounts...I took it back...

James Pluxury

Curator of the administration
Curator of the administration
May 2, 2021
Your account was not stolen. We have all logs. You insulted Mazhor in your name. And after this you ask him to unban.
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