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Lucky dupree
Suspect ID
Date of violation
Jun 22, 2024
Time of violation


Apr 23, 2022
I was in a family where the leader decieded to become toxic towards some family members and he also basicaly kicked a co founder / deputie of the family i belonged in causing the environment within the family to be toxic and dramatical.

I had become a close friend to that kicked co owner / deputie and some other members of that family, so when he was kicked i no longer wanted to be part of that family and on going situation so there for i decieded to leave as well and with my exist from the family another deputy leader also left so after we all had left we were talking about how it felt bad that the friend group is now going to split up and then a suggestion of creating a small family to make it able to keep those that wanted together as a group of friends was brought up and so we started a family of our own.

When some former members of the old family heard of this they wanted to come with us, me and my friends had clearly stated that we will not ask any one to leave or join us but would any one want to join we would not reject and send them away. With that said we did not do any form of active reqruitment from the old family at all but for some reason the old family leader Mac Blade ID 282802 has taken the situation of loosing family members due to some situations as just that and has now started to harrass former members and also began to harras me and my friends in our dms and some diffrent sections on discord.

Me and ID 282802 was also recently banned for GR 1.9 and got 60 days punishment each when that happened i have not been invlovled in much at all and my friends continues their gaming things inside of the server minding them self since we all felt the same thing that we was very much done with that leader and family and had put it behind us and moved forward only to be notifed on daily notice that Mac Blade ID: 282802 is bringing that IC situation that was to OOC on various discords and dm's outside of the server. He is constantly harrasing and lying to people claiming that i some how would of scammed him which is very much false and trying to cause drama and acussing me and my friends for all sorts of things that is far from being any truth at all.


Siven maroc

Server Administrator
Server Administrator
Jul 20, 2022

rong format plus its an ic issue, also discord dms and fam discords is not somthing we deal with.
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