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Jun 22, 2024
Hi it’s my first post on forums today I am so sorry If I make any mistake,

Subject : Ban Appeal

Dear Administrators!

Today I got banned for 12 days the reason why I got it is threads#… , I am sorry if I have hurt someone in city, I didn’t mean to do that I just went crazy at that time, I”ll say sorry to that person who got offended by my words, I beg my finest pardon and kindly unban me if you can! Feel free to reject this appeal but I would just like to say that people gotta learn from their mistakes, and that’s what makes us better, I recently had my breakup and this grand rp is saving my life up, Idk how shall I live for these 12 days and bear my pain, I got nothing to do but I used to play grand rp everyday just to keep away my pain, thank you so much for checking on my post and kindly take a decision and update me if Imma get unban

Thank you
Jayzy west
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